
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fimir - Filler 1

I'm almost done with the assembly of the first fimm warrior unit. I've decided to include a filler in each unit to add a bit of atmosphere (and because it means I have eight less fimir to sculpt). People have differing opinions of fillers, most folks think you need to have unit models on the filler, but I don't think this is always necessary as long as it serves to promote the theme of the unit. To that end, I've finished this swamp filler. It's a standing stone slowly sinking into the fen with two ravens flying through the scene. I plan on adding another raven to the top of the standard bearer to make it look as if a group of ravens are flying over the unit.


  1. Lovely stuff. Where did you get the stone pillar, I reckon that would look really nice in my dwarf army?

  2. Thanks. I've had those pillars for about twenty years and I have no idea where I got them! I have a few, if you want I can pop one onto you?

  3. Looks great. How's about a picture of the filler in the unit of fimir?
    Love the Raven's idea btw.

  4. Cheers. I should be done assembling the unit soon, I'll pop up a shot of the whole thing then. Someone suggested adding another wee beastie to the column, I might do that.

  5. That's very kind of you, I would love a pillar in my post. I think I have one or two of the old heroquest fimir lurking in my cupboard, I could track them down if you want them?

  6. No problem, PM me with your address. I'm in the happy position of having enough bits for all the fimir I need now, but thanks all the same!

  7. Doh, I can't find any way of PMing you through Blogger! I can send you one through TWF if you like?

  8. That's fine, whatever works for ya.
