
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fimir - Other Clans, Other Fans

Most recently I've been trudging toward the end of assembling my first twenty man unit of fimm warriors. This unit contains mostly converted savage orcs from the new plastic set, a smattering of Bloodmoon minis bog raiders, and a single Heroquest fimir for completeness. There is a four man filler in there too, which has taken on a life of it's own and is now fairly complex in itself. Mostly though, it's comprised of the savage orcs. These fellows have had a tail added, their necks sawed and shaved away and new heads sculpted for them, sometimes I go nuts and add a helm, hood or mask, belly shield, severed head and so on. It's a fair dose of work but watching the unit come together is VERY satisfying. I am now in danger of going completely nuts though.


Looking over what I have assembled, I have:

Twenty fimm with full command (chaos warrios)
Meargh (sorceror lord on disc)
Six Fianna Fimm (chaos ogres)
Crom - The Great Worm (hellcannon)

Most of these are a little further along than in the pictures shown. For the 2000pt target, I need:

Twenty more fimm with full command (chaos warriors)
Five wardogs (warhound)
Five Albion tribes horsemen (marauder horse)
Fimir noble with clan standard (exalted hero bsb)

Not doing so bad so, but this doesn't count actually painted the feckers. I have almost everything I need, bar three horsemen and some movement trays and bases. Thanks Gods for Base-X-of War. I have plans for the next 500pts consisting of ideas for bile worm mounted fimir heroes, hag worms as dragon ogres, fen beasts as trolls, Albion tribesmen as marauders, Balor of the evil eye as a daemon prince and warp-spasmed fianna fimm as spawn.

So a ways to go yet. This does tend to make one go a little insane as one sculpts the teeth onto another fimm. So, for a little perspective I plunged into the internets to see if there were any other lost souls who had attempted to build their own fimir clan. There were a few notables, and this leads me on to part two of this post, the others. If any of you object to me using your images, let me know.

There are a fair amount of fimir out there in folks collections, but very few armies. Two of the best I've seen are from Dreadaxe and Angry Lawyer. Dreadaxe has mostly used the Heroquest fimir. These lads are made from an incredibly hard plastic, so I can only imagine how crazy converting them all must have been. There are some great conversion in there too, and I have to say a completely ass-kicking display board, the idea for which I will rob remorselessly when the time comes to do mine. The sheer effort required in building a fimir army is enough to make the mind boil, but as you can see the finished article is well worth it.

Angry Lawyer's fimir are a little different. While there are a fair amount of the Heroquest fimir in there too, he had had a go at doing shearl and a giant fimir (daemon-maniac?) as well as a good sprinkling of Nick Bibby's ogre sized fimir. Another labour of love, where almost every figure requires a fair bit of attention. The great thing about building an army like this is you can go pretty crazy with the converting once you've settled on an army list that's going to foster your cyclopean fen-dwellers.

There area also some noteable units and single figures that I've seen. Bruenor's large fimir unit is a really splendid job, I like the addition of the shields. The skin tone is very pleasing too. I had a time considering the skin tone for my own fimir, and decided on a medium flesh tone, but these fellows would have been my choice had I seen them before I committed.

Hadriel Caine  of Tom's Boring Mordheim Forum (It's not boring) is building a fimir warband using bog raiders from Bloodmoon miniatures. He's made great use of the multi-part figures to do an array of hand and weapon swaps. Nice!

Most recently I was contacted by Steve Mack, who gave me a look at his heavily converted fimir noble and standard bearer, which are both looking fantastic. They are again, converted from the Nick Bibby sculpts (it's not like there's much choice for fimir) but have a plethora of pieces from various models in there. My favourite bits are the large shield from the dwarf lord, the pistol and the earring as part of the standard! Great work, I hope to see more from Steve.

So, after having a look at what others were up to, I'm ready to take a deep breath and plunge back into the fimir project. I will probably paint the first fimm unit as a way of taking a break from assembly and sculpting for a while. Look for an update soon! Here are some other pics whose authors I can't recall, but are really rather groovy.


  1. Thanks a lot !!

    For heroquest plastic use lighter or flamme of candle... When the plastic is hot you can repositioned body ;)

    I have a elite unit to under way, your posts motive me to finish it.

  2. One is welcome. Thanks for the tip in the repositioning.

    Go on, finish that unit!

  3. @Dreadaxe..great looking stuff

    @MrSaturday...inspiring read. I want to get back to working on my all plastic daemon after reading this!

    I was hooked into miniature gaming through Heroes Quest, so love the nostalgia of the Fimir models. Looking forward to seeing some painted up!

  4. Cheers FB. Good old Heroquest, though I still look on the plastic fimir as the 'new ones'. Hopefully I'll have some painted fimm to show off in the next few weeks!

  5. Heroquest fimir is the old one? You've clearly got me beat on time in the hobby :-)

  6. Love all these armies on here. I've not been long assembling my Fimir force but reckon when it's all painted up it'll be about 2000pts so far... not quite enough for a Meargh!

  7. Another fimir army, splendid! I'd be very interested in seeing what you have so far. Do you have an army blog, or some pictures of your models?

  8. Fimm, I just found your blog. Bravo sir, bravo!

  9. Thanks for your inspiring blog!
    Starting my own Fimir warband using the Heroquest Fimirs for now, recasting them without arms using instant mold.
    Definitly gona pick up some Bog raiders too soon.
    Keep up the great work!
