
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fimir - Fimm Painting Update 1

Well, it's been a while since I updated my fimm unit. Life and such conspires to cut into the old hobby time. Now though, the project is revving back up. Here we have the next three members of my first fimm unit, including the musician. I've also finished the movement tray, which I'm very happy with, the water effects turned out great. I did test a few different products, you can read about that here.

Next up, the unit filler, which I'm looking forward to painting, then I'll have the courage to tackle the standard bearer...

Fimm Unit Filler


  1. Looking great man! It's great to see some of the more obscure units get some love. Roll on Monsterous Arcarnia.

  2. I really like your Fimir. It's good to see these guys being resurrected. Although GW have reintroduced them to the background I doubt there will be any models soon so it's great that someone is working hard to bring them to life.

    I also really like your colour scheme which looks very natural.


  3. Thanks folks, I am really restricting my palette for this army, bar some spot colours here and there. Forge World have released monstrous infantry size fimir for the forthcoming Monstrous Arcana. I really like them, and I'll be adding them to the army for sure.

  4. Just read further down in your blog. I'm pleased to say that I have been proved wrong about the Fimir!

  5. Very nice gribblies! The leather hood has painted up really nicely. What are you going to be using for a standard?

  6. Cheers Fimm. The standard will be a skin flag, with Celtic style tattoo inscribed on it, a snake. It's a devilishly complex design I'll have to simplify to work at that scale.

  7. Wonderful to see some paint on these've done an amazing job and its bound to be a spectacular army when complete.


  8. Thanks folks. Cheers Blue, I surely hope so!

  9. The new Forgeworld miniatures have gone on general release. You might need to do a respray judging by the below. ;)

    "Larger and more ferocious than the sorcerous Draichs, Fimir Warriors boast tails tipped with bony clubs and yellow-grey flesh that is all but immune to pain."

  10. Never! My fellows are just a little more healthy, is all...

  11. Then they must come from the side of the bog where the sun shines the brightest.

    Sunny in Albion!

  12. It's the bog water that give their skin the ruddy sheen...
