
Monday, February 20, 2012

Fimir - Fimm Banner Wip 1

 I've been working on the standard bearer for my first fimm unit of late, and I've been trying various banner designs. I've settled on a stylised snake design which depicts the daemon prince Lisaart, the daemon the unit is devoted to. Now, here's the thing, do I leave the design as an outline, as you see here, and just finish the highlighting and such, or do I add some colour?

So I ask the most dangerous question you can ask on the internet, what do you think? The design itself, and whether to add more colour to it?


  1. I definitely like the design, its very tribal and stylized and fits the theme nicely. I think that it could work as just an outline, but not in the colour you are using now. If it were done in a more neutral colour like Charadon Granite it would be fine but in the colour it is now it just looks incomplete. Are you planning on shading the banner further?

    The fimir are coming out amazingly, I dont think GW themselves could do the race more justice. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Sean, appreciate that! I get a lot of hobby stamina from kind comments, and I sure need it for this army!

    Tha banner is still base colours, there is no shading or highlighting at all. I wanted to get the design down before I got onto the shading etc. The idea is that the design is tattooed onto the hide, I'm using the same colour as I use for the fimm's tattoos.

  3. I like it muchly. Will look better on a tawny, fleshy background (which I guess is what you were thinking). A bit of gold never goes amiss in a celtic design.

  4. Thanks Fimm. I'm still aggravatingly undecided on the colour, but I'm leaning toward leaving it uncoloured. Gah! I don't know.

  5. I really like that design, artistic, very celtic.

  6. That's absolutely fantastic. With that intricate design on such a small surface, though, it will stand out more if left uncolored. People be better able to appreciate the details from the table top, instead of just up close.

  7. Thanks Ashley, I've pretty much decided on the uncoloured version, that's an excellent point about colour obscuring the detail at distance. Thanks to everyone for their input!

  8. It's nice, but I thought Fimm could not have banners...? What rules are you using? Ogres?
