
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fimir - Nearly Fimished. Eh? Eh?

Sorry about the title. I should really have started at 'Fimm unit update 1' and pressed on from there, but, hmeh.

Here's the latest members of the SĂșile na Lisaart. I still have some water effects to add to the fimm with the stone knife, but I'll leave that until I have a batch to do. This leaves me with the last batch of four on my painting desk, so almost there...



  1. Looks great! I especially like this little gem, very well executed. And full unit will certainly look exceptional.

  2. I really like what you are doing, it's inspirational.


  3. Great work! Slow but steady on this one indeed, but damn well worth it!

  4. They look better every time I see them.

  5. The bog raider (is that what they're called?) at the bottom looks good. He fits in quite well with that lovely paint job on him.

  6. Cheers! I was worried that the raiders would look out of place as they are quite different than the large-skulled, slightly hunched ones I'm converted, but once painted, they blend in just fine.

  7. Nice! The raider blends in quite nicely now he's painted, especially as the chests of the others are pretty concealed so you don't notice how odd the Blood Moon figure's pectorals are! Is it just me or does he have three toes and four fingers? That's a bit wierd....!

  8. Thanks Fimm. The muscle sculpting is a wee bit odd, I must say, and the digits, indeed...
