
Friday, August 10, 2012

Genestealer Cult - Games Workshop Release?

No idea where this is from, but isn't it great?

There's been a bit of a furore about this list over at Warseer. It's a huge release schedule for the Hobbit, but more interestingly, 40k. I've been hovering on the edge of looking to start a force, but these two little entries in the list would push me over the edge if true:

Cult Hybrid Upgrade Pack - Plastic box
Patriarch Dumas, The Veiled Fiend, Finecast- clamshell 

I'm guessing an Imperial guard upgrade sprue and a sinister patriarch, but it could be chaos cultists and some other bloke called Dumas, and not in fact the shadowy father of a subversive and cancerous secret alien cult. And yet...

 Please let it be so. I'm sceptical, but I want to be a believer.


  1. Genestealer cult is from Curis@ his sites down at the mo though...

    1. I'd love to see the whole army, what a great idea. There was an ork cult in white dwarf back in the day, but nowhere near this level of quality.

  2. I think this is too good to be true and it's probably something else. Part of me hopes it doesn't happen because each cult is currently unique to each player: a unique set of characterful conversions, counts-as stands ins, and so on. I would, however, be happy to buy into anything official.
