
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Cult - Limos

I'm still casting my eye about looking for various components for the Cult. Such little conversion gems as Empire flagellant and skaven plague monk parts have been brought to my attention, as well as Rackham and Heresy ghouls for use as hybrid base models. Today though, we turn our attention to the most definitive of Cult vehicles, the limo.

Armoured limos and genestealer cults go arm in arm as far as I'm concerned. Even though limos are about as appropriate to 40k as hotpants on a space marine, I can't imagine my cult not having one or two of these in the army.


I do not think a shiny black car with bullet-proof windows would last awfully long in battle against terminators, stompas and such. To this end, I think some small concession to praticality is in order. I still want to have an identifiable car, but something you can imagine actually seeing on a battle field. Armoured car it is then. But something with at least some limo-ness about it.

The first thing vehicle proffered was the Hispano Suiza MC-36 from Minairons Miniatures. This has a great front end, I can see it fitting in nicely. Still, I thought something more angular might work better.

Next up, and already in use in some 40k armies was the Russian BA20 armoured car. This has potential. More armoured, so it actually looks like it might last a couple of minutes against las-fire. Swap out the weapons, add some 40k detailing, cult paintjob, some weathering and we could be good. Depending on the list I use they could be Chimera, rhinos or even raiders. I was thinking 'Ooo, you could do great bases for these', but 40k vehicles don't tend to have bases I see. Hmm.

I also noticed these on my travels, bases on the Rolls Royce armoured car on Moif's Wargaming Resources. These I like a lot, but I've no idea what the base models are. They look mean though.

As you can see, I spend a lot of time ferreting about for conversion parts before I go anywhere near starting a new project. Time-consuming, but it'll bear fruit eventually!


  1. Bah, the second picture won't load. From the ones I can see, the one in the first picture gets my vote.

    1. Ditto - I also think Number 1 is number 1.

      Have you considered going high tech? Might be a bit small though.

      I quite like the idea of Jabba the Hut style skiffs...

      Grendel have some interesting stuff too.

    2. Not mad about going hi tech, I like the idea of the 1930s style land car in a 40k setting. Number 1 is kind of retro-futuristic with the curved top, but number 2 still appeals.

  2. For my ''Limo'' i went with a looted PDF Malacador Defender.. its big/long & well armed more suitable imo then a civ car.

  3. That MC-36 looks great. Exactly what I'd want for my Stealer cult... if I ever get around to painting anything.

  4. 40k universe is big.

    Everything from feral to modern to sci-fi in terms of development. So long as the army is consistent, I think it'll look great - after all, the first Purestrain may have landed on a world with something approaching mid 20th-century Earth.

    Perhaps early-WWII armoured car might suit?

    1. Reckon they might be a runner. More investigation required!

  5. Steyr ADGZ maybe? Austrian pre-war and German early war armoured car? Available in 1:35 scale, will be suitable large and easy for additional detailing?

    1. Yep, it's cool. Not car-like enough for me though. I might use this kind of wheeled vehicle in the army too, for heavier vehicles. Keep it in line with the armoured cars.

  6. a lot of plastic model car kits work just fine in 40k. sure, the scale is a bit bigger, but not a bad fit for most. you might take a look through the isles at a model shop. I've made a lot of ork trucks in the past this way.

    1. Indeed, all of a sudden model car kits are of great interest to me.

  7. I find n°1 a perfect compromise between tank and limo, th egood paintjob or added armour could make it bulkier.
    If you are still looking for miniatures , I've recently been looking at delaque gangers for Necromunda (I had not in quite a while) and I realised a purple and blue paintjob whould make them look really close to hybrids or cultists at least. they have long clothes and bald heads and the necromunda weaponry. their ganger style fits very well with 40k cultists (and they ar estill in prouction).

    1. The delaque do look pretty culty, I'll have to take a look at the range. Certainly for heavies they would be worth a look.

  8. It's inspiring following your thinking about your cult. I probably have to add a cult to my to-do list as well. I did some browsing and found this great "limo". Maybe interesting for you:


    1. Cheers, I spend a long time thinking it over before I ever start a project proper. A Volkswagen would not be my first thought, but that's cool.
