
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fimir - Crom Cruach

After sitting on my painting desk for some time awaiting his turn, Crom is finally done. He will eventually have a larger base he sits into so he can be used as either a gorebeast chariot or a hellcannon.

I used the same colour scheme on Crom as I used on the marlwyrm. I started using GW bloodletter glaze, recently, starting with this guy. Great stuff. If the other GW glazes are as good I'll be picking them up. I found a slightly better glue to use for drool too, a super cheap glue called Capitol, from the 'just what you need' range. Faster drying and more elastic than UHU, it even allowed me to suspend a skull hanging from several of Crom's tentacles.

Next up, more marlwyrm riders and some war dogs.


  1. Disgusting - said in the nicest and most flattering way :D Looks fantastic and will be a great centerpiece in your army. Awesome job, mate.

  2. That is one gnarly looking beastie coming up out of the ooze. Love it!

  3. Great mini and paintjob (as always). Must agree that the GW glazes are great. Just started to use them as well. I have all four of them and can confirm they are all great. They all have the same properties. /Hans

  4. Brilliant - the cobwebs and goo are disgusting (which is very good!).

  5. Thanks all. @Sidney, it's all goo on this guy, but cobwebs, now there's an idea.

  6. Exquisite work. You have the best looking collection of Fimir I have ever seen. Keep 'em coming.

  7. Thanks very much, I am enjoying assembling the army immensely. Plenty more to come!
