
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Heroquest - 25th Anniversary Edition

Gamezone have opened a 25th Anniversary Edition of Heroquest on Kickstarter. Check it out here. This hits the nostalgia button right on the nose for me, and obviously a lot of others too. I still have my original which makes me go misty-eyed every time I open it. From what I can see so far, its looks really good, but there's been little in the way of communication from Gamezone despite already busted their funding goal wide open. At the time of writing they are over $272,000 pledged for a $58,000 goal. Granted the kickstarter has just started, and Gamezone might have been surprised by the flood of pledges.

If they can get a handle on things though, and release a steady stream of updates and stretch goals, this is going to be a BIG one folks.


  1. Not buying into this one, waiting for the C&D letter to hit. GZ only have the rights in Spain for HQ but kickstarter is only usable if you from US/CAN/UK

    1. You mean ship from US/CAN/UK? really? That's baaad.

    2. Shipping is worldwide.
      In fact it is multilenguage (English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian).

      Hasbro owns ALL HQ rights. GW was only outsourced for the making of the minis (as other producer was outsourced for the making of the dices). And GZ got the rights directly from Hasbro.

      So no C&D here. It is only a unfounded rumour based on the ignorance on HQ rights.

    3. What I meant is that you have to be based/live in US/CAN/UK to make a Kickstarter. Hence why the prices are listed in CAN Dollar. This is the quote from Trep on the Oldhammer forum: ''Because to use Kickstarter you need to be an American, Canadian or Uk company/person, some people are proposing their services (take a commission) so that companies not from these 3 countries could use Kickstarter, and they should have choosen a Canadian one''

    4. I'm glad to hear GZ got the licence from Hasbro rather than just jumped on the IP after Hasbro failed to renew in Spain. I assume that's what you're saying Endakil?

      GW do still own rights to certain aspects of HQ, the fimir being the most obvious example. I doubt very much you'll see them in the GZ version.

      It would be a big help if GZ tidied this all up on the KS page.

    5. The Fimir are being replaced with Drrakks whatever they are.

    6. Yes, ChicoDaStanic, you are right, the only way to open a Kickstarter campaing is from Canada, USA, or UK.
      GZ moved some staff to Canada, that's why the prices are in $CAD :)

      @Mr Saturday, Hasbro keeps the rights for the rest of the world (concerning the retailers). Maybe they are watching at this like a very interesting experiment :)

      Fimirs and lot of the fluff is a GW IP, so these things are being changed ("Primordial Chaos Knights", for example).

    7. The simple fact that it cannot have fimir and chaos warriors etc. makes this not HQ to me, but a bootleg.
      The only way there could ever be a NEW official HQ is for GW and MB to release it again, or sell all the rights to a suitable publisher. But that will never happen unfortunately.

  2. Shame it looks so horrible. A close up of the figures may show me to be mistaken but the whole thing looks too CGI to me.

    1. I bet you know those miniatures you are watching are digital prototypes.
      Take a look on GZ catalogue to see some examples of actual GZ work.

    2. I have a few GZ miniatures. Expensive, but beautiful. The mournful knights are the best mounted vampires I've even seen.

    3. GameZone have some nice stuff, which is why I'm surprised the concept stuff here is so horrible. If the figures turn out to be nice I'll look into getting a copy, but at that price it's too much to venture on a might-be-alright chance. I'll stick with my original set!

  3. I feel it's a violation of the original. They changed the board, the monsters, the cards... And the spelling errors, my Lord.
    They even claim this to be OFFICIAL HQ material. Blasphemy. How dare they. So not backing. :(

    1. They changed the fluff because it is GW IP.
      They changed those monsters which are GW IP.
      They changed some artwork because the original is from 25 years ago!

      It is the new official HQ and it will be available for today's public. This can only be good for our hobbies... no matter our artistic tastes.

    2. It gotput on hold. And I fully agree. Their version is/was by NO means ofiicial material. It's bootleg plain and simple.
      What I want GZ to do is to stop abusing HeroQuest's good name, and try making their own damn game. It may look like HQ, feel like HQ, even smell like HQ, but it should not BE HQ.
      Just my 2 cents. Something like that I might back, although GameZone has lost my confidence.

    3. My issue with the GZ HQ was it's lack of engagement with the backers, and lack of updates. I'd be worried once the KS finished there would be deafening silence from GZ until they informed everyone the project was going to be two months late a week before it was due to ship.

  4. Currently unavailable due to licencing issues...

  5. Here's the full story:

  6. Is this Tribute Quest back on a new platform?

  7. Did you pledge allegiance to the Quest reboot?

  8. I did not, sadly. Time passes, and the hobby budget went elsewhere.
