
Friday, February 28, 2014

Fimir - Fianna Fimm

I've been busy this week painting four fianna fimm for our Oldhammer event this weekend at KnaveCon. I got them finished last night.

I've had these fellows primed and ready to paint for some time, and as I whipped through them, ideas came to mind. I'm loathe to convert such old minis, but I couldn't help thinking a hood and cloak held by a broch would look good on one, maybe a Scibor Celtic shield on another. I didn't have time for this though, so I ploughed on.

Now that they are done, I'm beginning to regret my rashness. For a start, I'm not happy AT ALL with the skin. Way too patchy. Added to that one of them has a little mis-cast on his chest which I missed when cleaning them up. Some folks would leave this and move on, but my OCD forbids such a move. So, with that in mind, once KnaveCon is over, these lads are destined for the Dettol, some conversion work, and a do-over. Hence the lack of grasses and moss on the bases, they'd just be wasted.

It's not all flowers and sunshine here at the Mumblings, some days it's a fail.


  1. You're one hell of a perfectionist.......most people would be delighted with the standard of this "fail".

    1. Cheers Lenny, you're most kind. This would keep me from my sleep though.

  2. I am certain that they are more than adequate, but sometime you just know that the model is going to bug you every time that you look at it, even if it looks fine to everyone else. Bummer.

    Hopefully tomorrow you will get some decent return on the time spent so far anyway.

    1. I'm sure they'll provide some entertainment tonorrow. I have two more, I'll try a new approach on the next one and see how it compares.

  3. Hooray! I've been looking forward to seeing these guys painted. I think they look great, you've probably increased their value by painting them. I imagine it would be hard to get the skin less 'patchy' as there's a lot of open flesh there, the variation in tone helps break it up, as do the tattoos. Just don't be too hasty with the Dettol! :)

  4. I think a different ink might work better, closer to the skin tone. The cloaks, hoods and shields might provide some points of interest too.
