
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WSIWYG in 40k

No way man, we're like, totally just regular guardsmen.

Lately, for the first time in decades, I've re-entered the grim darkness of the far future of warhammer 40k. This had been spurred on by a long-held desire to start a genestealer cult force and the encouragement of one's peers. It's been a bit bewildering, coming as I do from the comfortable familiarity of Warhammer Fantasy where I have a pretty good handle on what's going on to a situation where I have no clue what the hell I'm doing. Despite this, I've tied down the bones of what I want to do and have set to it.

With that in mind, and now that I've started work on the models, I wonder how vital WSIWYG is to 40k. It seems more essential than in the fantasy counterpart, where if a few models in a unit have shields and others do not it's no big deal as long as the unit is armed primarily with the weapon in the list. In 40k individual models are more focused on so it seems more important the model carries the appropriate weapon.

Now, there's not too much pressure on me to make sure this is the case, and I'll model whatever looks best to me in the end anyway, but I'm curious how 40k players see this. I'm not talking about using a model with a missile launcher as a plasma gun or anything so extreme. I'm referring to, say, a unit with lasguns where some of the troopers might have a las pistol and knife or even an autogun, but most would be armed correctly. What's the take on this? I'm already confusing the issue by saying my squad of deformed hybrids are actually a squad of militarum tempestus scions. Would I be taken out behind the chemical sheds and given a good beating for such behaviour?


  1. The key is, I think, clarity. If you've got some guys who are one thing and the same models equipped and painted the same way who are another thing... there's a problem.

    There's a lot of leeway with creative substitution: I have a Khornate Daemon army with a lot of that sort of thing: Saurus with Genestealer claws are Plaguebearers, converted Dryads are are Daemonettes. It's clear what's what.

    1. Indeed, clarity is the thing. My fimir are designed to be roughly equivalent to the units they represent. The marlwyrms are skullcrushers, the fimm chaos warriors etc. Nobody has complained yet. I want the same for my cult. An opponent should look at a unit of brood brothers and by pretty certain what they are, with a little explanation from myself at the beginning. That's one level. Within that, I'm less concerned that a unit requiring six lasgun troopers has three with lasguns and 3 with laspistol and sword. Maybe that's not cool, but I think it'll be fine.

  2. Talk to your opponent - as long as you're not trying to pull a fast one, they should be fine with it. If they're not, find someone else to play with...

    1. Generally I find people are easy going enough as long as your intentions are above board.

  3. Nothing is worse then losing a game dew to confusion. If a unit with Laguns are modelled with Bolters and another unit with Boltguns actually do have Boltguns it gets confusing and messy fast. Either all weapons of the same type count as something else none do is the best way.

    1. Nah, there will be none of that guff. I'm talking about minor variation in trooper armament. A melta gun will always be a melta, but is it a big deal if your lasgun unit has an autogun or two in there? My main deal is if I want to model a hybrid with a bionic arm and laspistol instead of a lasgun because it looks way better, that's what I'll do, even if he's meant to have the lasgun. I think as long as the drift is not too crazy it should be okay. Maybe I won't get into some tournaments, but, meh. I mean, armoured limos as taurox will be another stretch I'll have to explain, but hopefully it won't confuse an opponent.

  4. Anyone who has a problem playing an army as expertly converted/painted/overly awesome as yours is losing out before the game even starts. If your opponent has issues with something so trivial as the look of your army imagine the wonderful arguments you'll have over rules interpretations.
    So long as you make it clear to your opponent as to what each unit is equipped with there shouldn't be a problem. If there is, walk away don't waste your time, your au deserves an opponent who appreciates the hard work you've put into it

    1. Most kind of you 24. I don't want to befuddle an opponent with crazy stuff he he can't identify, but at the same time I hat being constrained by certain requirements. But I like structure when assembling the models. I'm a whirlwind of contradictions.
