
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Genestealer Cult - Codex?

There's a lot of exciting rumour coming out of late, and I'm sure most of you interested in 40k will have heard the rumblings about a harlequin-sized release for the genestealer cult. You can read a bit about it here. It's popped up in a couple of places now alongside the more solid adeptus mechanicus rumours. Considering my current project is and adeptus mechanicus cult, happy days.

A genestealer cult codex for warhammer 40k would suck me right back in to giving current 40k a shot. It seems plausible given the new mini release for harlequins. This got me thinking, what would a current release include? It seems to make sense for GW, as they could incorporate loads of existing kits such as the broodlord, Imperial guard, plastics genestealers etc.

The new kits would have to include a hybrid kit. Even the thought of it makes me weak at the knees. Can you imagine the plasticy goodness? Whether it would be a full kit or just conversion parts for other models, is hard to call, but I would guess a full kit. I wonder would the iconic ribbed armour make it into a new release?

For other kits, a clampack magus would be probable. I don't think we'll see a hierarch or a limo. Perhaps a kit of the larger 1st generation hybrids, or something new. It could really be done with a magus and hybrid kit at a minimum, everything else is there already. The codex itself would be a boon to all cult players, ending the need to jerry-rig proxy lists. It's improved since the new allies rules came out, but it's still a pain. Even the codex on it's own would be great. Considering the frothy gushing from gamers (myself included) when cult rumours arise, I'm surprised GW hasn't gotten on this before.

I'll keep my horrific hybrid fingers crossed that this is one rumour that follows through.


  1. While a Stealer Cult codex would be interesting it comes far too late to pull me back into the horrid mess 40k has now become.. Giant Kits o'Doom

    1. Oh, I doubt I'll be playing 40k tournaments anytime soon, but it would be nice to dip a toe in the water on a small scale.

    2. I'm a big fan of project killzone. 40k fan made skirmish rules. Gone off the auld 40k myself

  2. Coincidentally, I'm also doing an admech 'stealer cult, as you've recently seen. If both these rumours happen to be true, GW will be seeing a good chunk of my money in the not too distant future!

  3. Yes, I am quite happy to not give any money to GW, aside from the odd paint pot now and then, but if they do release genestealer cult stuff again I don't think I will be able to resist.

    1. That's the way with many gamers I would think. I certainly don't buy much bar paint and magazines, but now and again something special comes along.

  4. A 'stealer cult release won't be enough for me to start playing the modern rules, but I'd definitely pick up some minis if they don't look too out of place next to the old ones.

    1. Same here. They'd need to work with the Olley and Goodwin models, but I'd give them a certain leeway if they were very pretty.

  5. Funny you mention this.... I was bored waiting for paint to dry on some models today, so I pulled out two old hybrids and started to paint those whole I waited!!

    I don't think any new models will ever be as good as the old hybrids!!

    1. They are pretty fantastic. Olley or Goodwin?

    2. Both, I like them each in their own way!
      I am painting some of the plastic hybrids from Space Hulk:Genestealer at the they are hideous!

    3. The plastic guys is nasty, but I feel compelled to paint at least one.

  6. I wouldn't put it past them to do a 3 for £30 box of the larger hybrids. Similar to the Ogryn box.

    Maybe a finecast Patriach...

    1. Yeah, though they have pulled back from the brink a little on pricing. Still, a box of 3 1st gens would probably be expensive enough.

  7. Can't say that I wouldn't be tempted =)
    Playing contemporary GW games though? Nah - ship has sailed.

    1. In fairness, most of my 40k universe games take place using Pulp Alley rules, which are very elegant indeed. Still, I've always kept an eye on goings on with the latest 40k rules. There seems to be an awful lot of them.

    2. Yeah, I see quite a few peeps are doing the 'Pulp Alley' thing. I'm going to have to give it a go!

  8. My credit card fears the possible future releases..

  9. I am purely speculating here, obviously, but I would imagine that a potential Genestealer Cult release of the size of the Harlequin release would consist of probably exactly the same amount of shelf space in terms of kits.

    The Harlequins consist of three boxes (a vehicle, a pair of bikes and a squad of infantry) and three clampack characters. For the laugh I am going to guess the following would be the release:

    1. Hybrid box
    2. Brood Brother/Cultist box
    3. Vehicle (likely)/Stealer Brood (unlikely)/Mounted troops (unlikely)
    4. Patriarch
    5. Magus
    6. ??? a Heirarch maybe? Maybe some other large new thing.
    plus a Codex and cards.

    My thinking:

    Hybrids: a box of hybrids is a must, fairly modular to make Acolyte and Neophyte units/models as desired.

    B.Brothers: GW dont push the idea of kitbashing the same way as they once did. They want a single purchase that allows for one or two codex unit types rather than expecting people to combine say Astra Militarum with Chaos cultists. So the rabble would be Cult specific I reckon, which would be ace.

    Vehicles are very important in modern 40k from what I can see going on on tables at cons. My guess would be some sort of hummvee affair, possibly with some modular parts that allow it to have a slightly more affluent/luxurious config to reference the daft but entertaining limo concept. I doubt that mounted miniatures would be part of a release, but who knows?

    Patriarch: would have to happen. With the new mod of the Space Hulk Broodlord available in that Blood Angel/Tyranid box a further variant or brand new design would be a certainty I think. Probably less lardy than previous versions, but who knows?

    Magus: essential, possibly with options to make a Heirarch instead.

    Ill be in my bunk...

    1. I'd be worried the patriarch and broodlord will get rolled into one. The big broodlord from the last 40k set is a slam dunk for such a beastie. What I'm REALLY hoping for is plastic hybrids, brood brothers, skitarii and servitors. Kitbash heaven.

      As to vehicles, I don't have a notion. I just can't see any kind of limo thing happening.

  10. Oh how I hope this rumour is true, and how I fear it is true...
    I'm seriously of two minds about this... On on hand I'm very excited by the idea of the Cult getting some "official" attention, and accessible models. On the other hand, with GW's current handling of, and respect for, setting background and quality of rules-writing (luckily I can ignore the latter joyfully!), I fear they will mess things up...
    Also, currently Genestealer Cults are products of love, either loving conversions or loving collecting of old school models. If we get "standard" models, that uniqueness and quality of hobby effort will be lessened. Certain people may even disparage the loving custom cults as being "not the official models".
    But the bits, think of all the extra bits for conversion, and the ease of acces!

    1. I hear ya. the custom 'boutique' quality will be lessened for sure. Anyone who builds a cult now has a lot of love for the hobby and the lore, but hell, plastic hybrids? I'll take mainstreaming in return for nice new kits, yessir.

    2. Oh, absolutely! Both ways, done well or done poorly, if they do release the Cult, we will either get lovely new kits which I will go all Gollum over, or we will get a massive influx of new bits to continue our "boutique" conversions with. The Cult always wins in the end... :)

  11. With the great work you've done on your stealer cult already Dave you deserve to get a codex Dave.

    1. Thanks Frank. I do, don't I? I deserve a codex.
