
Monday, April 27, 2015

Judgement Day Post 1 - Judge Mortis

I've been reading 2000AD since I was eight years old, and collecting miniatures since I was twelve. Odd then, that this is the first 2000AD miniature I've ever painted. It's nothing less than a crime. Therefore, I give you the opening model for the Mumblings end of the Judgement Day challenge, Judge Mortis. The rules for the challenge are posted here.

Both myself and Cheetor of Sho3box fame are posting today, to kick things off. I've always been a huge fan of the dark judges, and Judge Mortis, while not as much of a rockstar as Judge Death, is a favourite of mine. It's the insta-rot thing he does I reckon. He sure has a way with thossseee sssinerssss.

This particular incarnation of Mortis is the original Citadel Miniatures version. He's quite small, but has lots of lovely detail. Hell, he even has a dimension jump on his belt, a vital piece of kit for your dark judge about town I feel. I have his brotherssss from the same release in stasis, no doubt they'll make an appearance of a future Judgement Day post down the line. His base is a resin Microart Studios base with some extra debris added.

Cheetor has his kick off post on Sho3box, and from now on, expect a Judgement Day post from one of us every Monday. Next week I bring you another old enemy of Mega City One.


  1. One of the best Comics characters had to have some of the best villains to face him. Mortis and co are some of the latter.

    Excellent painting. The models are really small I agree but so full of details and charm.

    1. Thanks JB. It was very satisfying to get him painted after decades of keeping him in storage. I can already hear his compatriots calling. 'Sssstaaford, we require you to paint ussss...'

  2. My favourite Dark Judge. Great painting and a sssuperb ssstart to Judgement Day.

    1. Cheers, he seems to be a favourite with many. I'm super keen to get onto JD post 2 now, one dark judge does not a mega city make.

  3. Love the Dark Judge, good job on him bud :D Not as good a sculpt as Fire and Fear but one of the better in the Citadel range.

    1. Fear is a nice sculpt, even if he is the 'must try harder' dark judge. Fire is gonna take a while, all the osl...

  4. I love him Dave you guys do great stuff & it always very rewaeding to come to either of your sites.

    1. Thanks Frank! With any luck we'll have a regular stream of Judge Dredd minis between the two blogs.

  5. These mega city minis really require a flash paintjob to shine in any way, shape or form. I think he looks fantastic but The credit is due to your painting skills.
    I hope that is not offensive as I think you've been reading 2000AD longer than I've been alive, your judge dredd paintjob scare the best I've seen.

    1. Thanks 24. The old Citadel Judge Dredd figs are certainly small, and in some cases showing their age. Compared to the Foundry range they are teeny. The dark judges are some of the better models in the Citadel range I think, especially Judge Death.
