
Monday, May 18, 2015

Judgement Day Post 4 - Judge Лагранский

Judge Lagransky is my entry for Judgement Day number four. He and judge Kariyev can now dispense Sov-style justice to the weak Imperialists of Mega City One twice as fast.

Now that I have my scheme tied down for painting the Sov judges, he was pretty straightforward. Initially I'm hoping to keep adding Sovs until I have a group ready for both the Judge Dredd miniatures game and Pulp Alley. Such a group will be very satisfying to have on the gaming table I can tell you.

Kariyev and Lagransky hunting down the resistance.
With two street judges done, it's now time to turn to something a little heavier to give these boys some support. Next week Judgement Day continues on Sho3box. Set your clocks!

Keep firing comrade!


  1. Лагранский looks great and its all sorts of groovy seeing them come together like that. The palette is more saturated that you usually go for I think and it really suits the models.

    I have been waiting to give these guys a taste of Standard Execution for thirty years, cant wait. I must get my stub gunner painted, its not the Apocalypse War if it doesnt have stub guns.

    Lovely work.

    1. Thanks! I'm very much going for 80s comic book colours with these lads. Now that I see two done, I'm keen to add some more.

      I'll be adding some casual insults to the judiciary of MC1 in the basing over the next couple of Sovs, but you know all about that already...

    2. With the atomic annihilation of their entire nation a matter of (future) historical certainty, it important to allow those guys get their gruesome jollies while they still can. Casually insult like there is no tomorrow (as for those guys, there isnt).

      Is the trooper with the large carbine due any time soon, or is that information секрет? The Ezquerraness of their weaponry and that large gun (the Krashnikov 97 apparently) appeals to me.

      Its great to see these guys coming together :)

    3. He's definitely coming sooner rather than later. It IS a nice big gun.

  2. Wow you guys have me very interested to see whats coming down the line, lovely work as always Dave.

    1. Thanks Frank! Plenty more in store, that's for sure. These Sovs are gonna need someone to fight soon...

  3. Totally agree with paul, the really saturated scheme works so well. Super 2000AD feel, they'd look a little off if they weren't that colourful i reckon! Fab stuff, following you and paul's blogs.

    1. Thanks Shaman. I don't think overly muted and gritty suits Judge Dredd, so I'm glad that's coming across in the colour scheme.

    2. Agree - i'm a huge fan of muted, drab and realistic palettes but if there's anything that needs to 'pop' it's dredd stuff.

      Cool, cool stuff. Will definitely get that 3-eyes to you, need to see him done up nice. :D
