
Monday, October 19, 2015

Judgement Day Post 26 - Judge Death

This week see the final addition to the dark judges, Deadworld's chief judge, Judge Death. He's probably my favourite Dredd villian, and he's dropped enough one liners over the years to show that he's definitely got more of a sense of humour in him than his brothers. It's probably the rictus grin. His recent outing in 'Dreams of Deadworld' portrays him in a much grimmer light, but still, he's ma boy.

He might be an undead mass murderer...
This sculpt of Judge Death is TINY. He and his lieutenants are 25mm really, but it's still my favourite sculpt of the dark judge's leader. He was quite straightforward to paint, even if I kept finding parts of the model I'd missed sorting during cleanup. Nothing like taking a file to an almost painted mini.

... but Judge Death loves a comfy seat.
With Judge Death finished, that completes my dark judge project. I'll no doubt pick up the Mongoose spirit forms, and probably the Foundry versions too, but that's for another day. Next up I think it's time I took a crack at an actual judge. Judge Williams, to be precise. Bruce Campbell's block judge.

As always, next week it's back to Cheetor at Sho3box.


  1. Final nail in the coffin !
    I cannot help but see you guys both focused heavily on villains and have left the good guys (well, not good but lawful) aside... with 4 death judges done each, are we going to see the real characters like Judge Lopez ?

    1. Thanks JB, good point! My next JD project is much more upstanding. Mostly.

  2. Death is always misunderstood I'm sure he a good boy at heart lol A very nice job you done on him Dave.

  3. Death looks great Dave although I feel like giving the lot of those guys a cuddle. They look like they are overtired and will be in better form after a good nights sleep.

    Getting the four of the Dark Judges finished is a particular pleasure though, well done.

    1. Thanks Paul. They're a bunch of wee scamps, those dark judges.
