
Monday, November 16, 2015

Judgement Day Post 30 - Judge Williams

This week sees something of a red letter day in my submissions for Judgement Day. An actual judge. It was a real treat painting him, and seeing the familiar colours of the Mega City One judiciary come together as the paint went on only added to the enjoyment. I see a lot more judges in my painting future. I may even give old stoney-face himself a go.

Judge Williams here is not the most by-the-book judge, but several commendations for insane bravery have kept him off the Titan shuttle. He is currently kicking his heels as Bruce Campbell block judge, and it time he will lead an Apocalypse War resistance unit with the BC Block Citi-Def. His faithful boomsti... I mean lawrod will come in handy. It'll be...


This also defines my approach to any zombies for Judgement Day. It's deadites all round.

Next I'll be painting up one of my favourite denizens of the undercity. In the meantime Sho3box will be back next week as Judgement Day continues.


  1. Nice paint job Dave as always, but tell me this if you would please, the rubbish on the bases your doing how do you go about doing it as it always looks very natural & that's never an easy thing to do.

    1. Thanks Frank. The bases are resin, but if you mean painting, I try to keep all the base elements more muted than the model. No extreme highlighting, fairly neutral tones. The grey slab is perfect, as you don't get any more neutral than grey. If you want to looks at a basing legend who has a lot of tutorials, look up James Wappel, he's an incredible painter, and conversely, his bases are quite bright in a lot of cases, but his colour theory is so tight he can get away with it.

  2. Getting that first Judge uniform painted is a memorable point in a lifetime of toy soldier pursuits. I dont want to overstate it, but I certainly got a huge kick out of the first few that I got around to a few years back. Its funny that it took either of that long to get around to it.

    I reckon that getting a Lawmaster painted will be a similar kick.

    Great work on Williams. Topical too funnily enough, even though that plan has been in the works for ages now :)

    1. Thanks Paul, he was memorably satisfying to paint, no question. I have several fermenting plans for the undercity now, based on Williams and his heroic bungling.

  3. Mate; these judges look amazing, really too stuff! Makes me want to have ago at some too!

    1. Thanks a lot. I recommend painting a judge or two!
