
Friday, January 22, 2016

The Dire Grem - Concept to Complete

Over the last year or so I've been crossing the divide into miniature design, providing concept art for several new miniatures. I really get a kick out of seeing a concept of mine turned into a three dimensional object, and the idea that these miniatures will be gracing gaming tables for years to come gives me a little glow.

The original concept.

One model I've particularly enjoyed seeing move through this process has been the Dire Grem for Macrocosm. The Dire Grem is part of the Grem Alliance, which have just been released. Essentially a  sci-fi troll, it's not something I had seen done before, so it was great fun coming up with one. Added to that the sculpt was created by Diego Serrate, one of my favourite modern sculptors. Seeing the concept pass through his hands into a green was a pleasure.

The final painted versions you can see here below, with some of the variant heads. With their release, this trio of hungry nutters is now off into the wild to join armies and warbands in need of some muscle. Sniff! They grow up so fast!

Heavily armed, and not a braincell between them.


  1. Well done Mr S, thats really something to be proud of. A bucket list tick and a half :)

    I got one of those miniatures in the post recently and it really is very nice. So nice that I am considering getting another just to use a second one of those fantastic alternate heads :)

    1. Thank thee kindly. It is very gratifying I must say.

      I'm having issues picking a head for mine myself! I like your solution.

    2. It has to be bionic eye head for me, with mohawk and stogie being a very close option two. There isnt anything wrong with the third head at all, but the other two are just so good :)

  2. Seeing things form teh outside, I have to say it's been a tremendous pleasure to see this. The great result isn't that surprising given the talents involved.

  3. You have every right to be proud Dave, you've come up with something that a lot of people will be happy to spend money on & like you said have them for a long time to come, well done mate :-)

    1. Cheers Frank, I hope I filled that Dire Grem shaped hole in people's hearts...

  4. These are absolutely beautiful mate! They look amazing, absolutely amazing! I must have one, you have done a great job!

    1. Thanks very much! I must stress the painting above is not mine, they were painted by Hotdrop Studios.

  5. Excellent they are great looking models. Job well done I say!
