
Monday, July 24, 2017

Khorne Warband - Chaos Thugs

I've been perusing Age of Sigmar again lately, especially the skirmish variant. My early reticence gave way to curiousity about how it holds up as a skirmish ruleset, and as supplements like the General's Handbook and Skirmish were released this built up into an idea it might be something worth trying. I still have fond memories of the Realms of Chaos warbands, and the Paths to Glory rules looked good for assembling some cool warbands once again. Added to that others such as Cheetor were going to give it a go, so what the hell, I was in.

Up until last week I hadn't actually played it though.We were somewhat spoiled, playing on Cheetor's wonderful new AoS terrain (more on his blog). We tried a skirmish scenario and then a Triumph and Treachery one. Both offered plenty of action and laughs, which ticks my boxes for a game. After popping my AoS skirmish cherry I've decided it's just the kind of ruleset that I can get behind for these kinds of casual games. Added to this there's a pretty big toolbox for gaming you can draw on.

So, thus committed, I've decided to give my Gorechosen slaughterpriest some mates, and build me a warband for the blood God. I started with some chaos thugs.

Chaos Thugs. I can't tell you how much I love chaos thugs. I collect as many as I can. I rummaged through my tubs and found some semi-naked/insane nutters that might compliment the huge haemo-erotic (not my invention, good though eh?) Khorne boys from the Age of Sigmar range.

This guy above, well. You know how you only REALLY look at the detail on a miniature as you begin painting it? You notice things, especially on chaos models. I shant forget spying the assless plate mail on that Slaanesh warrior in a hurry. Anyway, this guy, he looked, well, old. An old thug. Like a snowflake in death valley. He has a corset and what looks like an adult nappy on. I imagined him at the thug reunion. All his mates are: A:Dead B:Warlords or C:Daemon princes. Awkward. Good enough to stay alive, but not good enough to get granted the extended lifespan the chaos Gods seem to dole out like candy. He also, as was spotted by a mate, looks like the guy from UP. So he got painted as an old bloke. He'll provide much hilarity in games I imagine.

This lad is more straightforward. I picked him for the axe and the gurning madness in his face. He probably pees in that armour. While looking you right in the eyes.

So, I am having fun with these. Models I've had sequestered away for decades are suddenly primed and ready for paint. Bloodletters, flesh hounds, Khornegor (proper dog-faced Khornegor, none of that goat stuff) as well as the fat bloke with the whip from the AoS range. If it pleases Mr Blood, I may expand the warband to a Paths to Glory force. Or I may see what Tzeentch offers. Such is the fun of the tiered rules for Age of Sigmar. Who knew?

Now, hold on. I know what you're thinking. 'Look at that HUGE bastard! Scale creeporama!' Well, (pushes glasses up nose) ACTUALLY the slaughterpriests are meant to be larger than other mortals. So there. The plastic reavers are only about a head taller than the old thugs, which means balls to me. Once they are propped up on a bit of cork there's nothing in it. So I wouldn't be overly worried about scale. Humans come in all sizes etc.


  1. Yes, I agree, thugs are ace! I've got a tonne, mostly unpainted too. I really like your skin colour scheme! Kick arse Saturday :)

    1. Thanks Papafakis. I am pretty happy with the skin, glazes are ma friend.

  2. Those are ace! So vibrant! I like the, er, venerable gentleman particularly. He has a great pose and you've brought out the full character in his face perfectly.

    1. Thanks Axiom! He's a great sculpt, one of my all time favourite thugs.

  3. Dave those are some wonderful paint jobs! I am loving how this chaos warband is coming together!!!!!

    1. Thanks very much indeed. I've been hoping to do some chaos warbands forever, so it's a bucket list thing. More soon I am hoping.

  4. That's a brilliant trio of dudes. You've tried two very disparate genreations of models together there with your painting. Nice work.

    Chaos thugs are so packed with weird details! The ones I've painted so far keep having little design touches pop out, from a bird's head sculpted into the handle of an axe, to throwing stars on the belt. It's a lovely range.

    1. Thanks Curis, most kind! There is a certain kick to be had of unifying miniatures of various types under one scheme.

      The thug range is a joy. It's so huge the prefect ones for any chaos project are always in there somewhere.

  5. Lovely work on them all loved this range of figures.

  6. I must say it's been many years since I've seen these toys...painted or otherwise.

    A lovely job.

    All the best. Aly

    1. By the powers, one of the thug makers themselves! Take a seat while I get out the good china. Thanks for the comment Aly, that range really is one of my favourites, great fun to paint.

    2. "Thug maker"...if I was a Chaos Lord I would have that as my name..:-)

      All the best. Aly

  7. I really like the "ruddy" skin tone you have achieved...very nice all around.

    1. Thanks Blue. I considered going with quite pale skin, but in the end the more weatherbeaten reddish skin seemed to work better on these lads.

  8. Wow! Beautiful! Especially like the way you brought out the psychotic expression on the axeman's face. Well done!

    1. Thanks Mr. Mouse. That guy's face leaves little confusion as to his motivations, but I love it, it reminds me of a face from a Bruegel painting.
