
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Khorne Warband - More Chaos Thugs

Two more chaos thugs, the musician and champion, join the warband today, bringing the compliment of thugs for the warband to five. That's all I need for now, but I very much doubt I'm done painting Khorne flavoured thugs.

Are here is the champion for the group of thugs. I've had this mini for a while, and I'm glad I found a project for him. I love this model, he's super cool with that massive spear and skull helmet, and incredibly dynamic. His spear is perfect for Age of Sigmar, it's bleedin' huge. It is Ares' dream to run that spear clear through one of those stuck up stormcast, hence his nickname. I look forward to realising Ares' dream on the gaming table.

I painted Ares' cloak similarly to the undercity werewolf I did a couple of years ago. I know the skull isn't a wolf skull, but who cares. Not I sir!

Gorn here is a later release, the only Khorne thug musician I know of. He has a haunted drumstick. What, you thought only axes, swords and armour get possessed by daemons? Gorn used his big skull drum to work up his buddies into a frenzy in a manner similar to a guy hammering out a brutal guitar solo at a death metal concert. That's what daemon drumsticks do for you.

With these lads done the warband is half way there. Next up, a geriatric bloodletter.


  1. Love these pair. The running lad with the skull mask is fab though - a model I've barely glanced at before, but now I'd like one!

  2. You just blend those models from different era like it's nothing, like a middle finger to naysayers with the classiest smile.

    It's brilliant.

    1. Thank you kindly my man. There is some considerable satisfaction to be had from unifying models from different ranges and times into a warband.

  3. I'm really enjoying seeing these guys come together, that group picture looks like something from Burning Man. As Asslessman said, you are mixing the figures up with great success.

    The contrast between these guys and the Stormcast is going to e very pleasing on the table too I think. The tall, broad and coiffured Stormcast may well show the Khorne fellas in an almost likeable anti-hero light. Thats exactly how I think both forces should be portrayed really, as shades of grey rather that a rather simplistic Good Vs Evil.

    You are going to need more than five of those guys though. I dont rate the chances of five of them surviving very long...

    1. I like to think of Khorne's followers more like the Norse. A warrior culture, a bit mental, but at least you can imagine them having an ale in the longhouse or not killing people long enough to at least make weapons or cook the dinner. It can't be full on metal concert all the time. Down the road it could be fun to add some Khorne camp followers or such for objectives and the like.

      Five will serve for a starter Skirmish warband compliment, but I have more in the wings for Paths to Glory and Skirmish warband additions.

  4. These are fantastic, I have a real soft spot for those later Dave Andrews chaos marauders for some reason and the chap with a spear is such a great sculpt as well. Great work - looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Thanks Kevin. The later thugs offered command models, which are a prize rarity. The bannerman will be along presently.

  5. These guys look great, and that is one characterful warband!

    1. Thanks Preacher!

      I've been wondering, what do you do at night?
