
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Malakai Roughshod - Unexpected Deadite

Recently I discovered a cache of undead Bob Olley goodness was available from Essex Miniatures. If you are an Olley fan do yourself a favour and take a look. Soon after I saw on the Oldhammer Facebook page that the excellent Stuart Klatcheff was offering some of these fine miniatures to anyone offering to paint and post them within the month. Well, what's a guy to do? I obviously picked the biggest one, the cavalry model. He's as fine an example of Olleyness as I've ever seen, enough folds and textures for a man to get lost in. I present the latest addition to my deadites, Malakai Roughshod.

It's hard to find a golden angle on this fellow, so I've taken a few shots of him. He's pretty dynamic, standing in the saddle with his cloak billowing. I managed to drill right through his saddle TWICE while adding a pinning hole, once after he was painted. I may have said a few bad words.

He's also pretty huge, lording it over even other Skellybobs (Skeletons sculpted by Bob). I'm kind of in love with this guy. I'm now debating adding a few of his mates so I can field a unit of these lads in Dragon Rampant or Age of Sigmar.

Here's Malakai chilling with his new homies. See what I mean about huge? Look at the size of that skull!


  1. That's pretty sweet man! Also did not realize Essex had those. Very nice. ;)

    1. Thanks! Essex have some amazing Bob undead. A treasure trove no less.

    2. I just had a look. THere is some great stuff! I wish they had pics for them all.

  2. I've got some of the infantry from waaaaaaay back, as in when I was very first gaming 30 years or so ago. Still love them!

    1. The Olley undead are something special. I've been hunting the old Iron Claw range for years, only a few still elude me.

  3. My eyes are filled with tears, awe and a bit of blood.

    1. Thanks JB. Painting an Olley is a growth experience, but it can scar a man if he's not careful.

  4. Excellent work. Cracking looking minis I must admit.

    1. Thanks Simon, he is a pretty great sculpt, isn't he? Must have been fun to cast too, with the cloak.

  5. Mental.

    Im a fan of Olleys sculpts, but I don't know if I have the chutzpah to engage with such an extreme example.

    The pending cavalry unit should be able to batter down castle gates with their heads alone.

    Lovely painting too of course :)

    1. It's probably the most Olley sculpt I've ever painted. He's like a Henson puppet. It's a mercy all the flesh has rotted away.

  6. It's a really lovely figure, beautifully painted and a fantastic addition to the Deadites. It does make me chuckle that every scrap of flesh and skin has rotted away from the steed. Apart from the parts holding on the tail and mane. That's some seriously stylish necromancy right there!

    1. Cheers Axiom, he's a head turner of a sculpt alright. I'll see about adding some of his mates, but I'll need a breather before I tackle another one of these boys.

  7. Well you know what they say : it's not the size of the head that matters it's what you do with it...

    I like the dynamism of the pose though, he really look like he's charging. A bigger horse would've made me happier, to go along that huge head of his ;-)

    1. His pose does do a lot for him. I can't wait to get him on the gaming table. He won't be ignored, that's for sure.

  8. Hi
    My name in Joseph Co - Editor Of

    Please don’t throw me out the window, and sorry if this sounds like spam, I just wanted to drop a message here say thanks for all of your years in supporting the community and hope it can also continue far into the future.

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    If you would be interested, we want to build a long-term working relationship with you.

    Your first question most likely is what is it you want from me, or what you want me to do?

    That is up to you to answer.

    (My apologies if this gets to you twice)

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Co - Editor Of


    1. Hi Joseph, thanks for the query, I've replied to the email provided.
