
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Shadespire - Petitioner 1

So, I've painted a model I bought only recently. What? Crazy! Surely the sky, surely it is falling. I've been quite enamoured by Shadespire, and I love the Sepulchral Guard set. They're amazing miniatures. This is the first model from the faction, a lowly petitioner. I used my tried and tested bone technique on him, and use my ages bronze recipe from my terracotta warriors on his shield and sword hilt. The hit of green from the bronze sits nicely with the orange/red rust and on his tattered, what? Loincloth? Shorts? Baggy trousers?

The base is already sculpted, so I just added a few old leaves.

Painting this guy has me wanting to get the rest of the set on the table. You gotta be careful assembling and cleaning though, this guy is quite fragile with all his thin parts. With Legions of Nagash out too, jeez, well, undead have always been a cherished faction of mine. Once the book arrives it'll be hard to resist getting a warband together. For now though, I'll paint this guy some mates for Shadespire.


  1. I love how you got your shading to go from white to brown to black like that!

  2. Frigging hell, that's some quality job on them, think about those coming after you damnit !

  3. Now there’s a skeleton that could kill an Argonaut.

    1. I was always rooting for the skellies in that scene.

  4. The painting on the bone is lush and the model really is exactly what I want in a skeleton.

    Top drawer.

    Six more to go... although at least one of those is half submerged, so that's something.

    1. Thanks Cheetor. As I painted this fellow by himself I luxuriated over him somewhat. The other six will be done in batches of two. I considered batches of three, but I don't want to feel too rushed. There's a lot of foldy cloak bits, belts, armour and a tiara to pick out. I am loving this set of skellies, and looking forward to giving your orruks a good hooping.

  5. A beautifully painted toy soldier...

    I am looking forward to seeing the rest.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, you guys did a cracking job on these. I love the dynamism. For some reason they give me the Children of the Hydra vibe, it's probably all the movement. Harryhausen's skeletons were nimble as hell.

  6. Great sense of negative space in this miniature. Looking forward to seeing you tackle the rest of the band!

    1. Thanks Curis, I'm looking forward to them myself.

  7. That looks stunning! Can't wait to see the rest. Good choice with Shadespire it is a cracking game.

    1. Thanks Riot! It's fun alright. I like the faction sizes as they make great wee painting projects.

  8. That's phenomenal stuff Mr Saturday, beautifully realised yet incredibly simple! More please :)

    1. Thanks Axiom, it's a fab sculpt in fairness. More coming shortly!
