
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Meatwalker - Gitrigga and Blacknose

You know, I've never painted a troll before. Certainly not one like this. The poor guy is being driven around like a bumper car by an overexcited gobbo.

This bizarre and fantastic miniature was sculpted by Johan Tieldow as an entry for the first Oldhammer Sculpting competition on the Oldhammer Sculpting Group Facebook page. Some time after the competition ended the crafty Chris Nicholls of Macrocosm sent me an image of this fellow in resin. He taunted me with it. What could I do? It was too cool not to. You can see his brain!

The Meatwalker comes in several parts as you can imagine. Nine I believe. Mine is resin, but the final version will be metal.I painted him in sub assemblies keeping the arms and pilot separate. As it was my first, I went for an old school troll colour scheme. He's on a 50mm base.

I played about with the skin quite a bit, adding blue and red glazes and working it up with creams in the highlights. He looks a bit more plausible (heh) as a result I think. I keot the metals warm and added the yellow moon on the shield to give him a little more jazz.

Macrocosm will be running a kickstarter to fund production of this guy soon. He'll be a great mini to have in a warband of greenskins, you don't get too many remote control trolls on the gaming tables. 


  1. I like how tiny the brain is given the creature's massive head. True troll.

    Lovely job on these.

    1. Thanks Curis. It's a tiddly brain and no mistake. There's hardly room for the control sticks!

  2. Oh, so absolutely charming! Great work there!

  3. That's a great sculpt.

    It's nice to see some of your work on less earthy flesh tones too.

    1. It's a lot of fun. He needs some orc and gobbo mates to run with at some point.

  4. Amazing to see my creation finalized and to such an amazing level of skill! I do of course have myriads of questions regarding “paintability” what things could I improve regarding design, segmentation, detail level, depth of textures etc to make it even better/ easer and inspiring to paint! Let me know sir, and keep crafting!!!

    1. It was enormous fun to paint, so thanks Johan! When I first saw it in the competition I thought to myself 'I really fancy painting that', so when the opportunity came up I was delighted.

      As far as assembly goes he went together easily (bearing in mind mine was a resin version). What I would say is maybe include a wee plug for the chain to sit into the crotch armour and perhaps one for the pilot too. Small things, but it makes things a touch smoother for assembly. I pinned the pilot in, but with two contact points, the brain and the seat, I had to be careful. A single plug on the seat for the pilot to slot onto would solve that. The arms follow along a single plane, so it might be worth rotating arms a touch in future so they are at more of an angle to the body on multi part sculpts.

      As to texture depth and level of detail these seem right on the money. For such a detailed model it's not overly fussy, so keep going as you are there. The design is excellent, but then I'm partial to that Oldhammer flavour. He'll be hilarious to use in games.

      Course, now I want to paint him some mates.

  5. Amazing all around. I could spend hours looking at all the painting detail you've put into this.

    1. Thanks Sean. One of the nicest (and most terrifying) parts about painting in sub-assemblies is when you put it all together and it becomes more than the sum of it's parts.

  6. It's a really unique sculpt and you've done it justice with your stellar brush work too.

    I can empathise with you a too on the Troll painting front. I just painted my first a month ago and I'm dying to do another.

    Hats off to you Mr Saturday :)

    1. Thanks Papafakis! Painting this guy has left me with a longing to paint up some greenskins. I've never painted orcs or gobbos much before.
