
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Genestealer Cult - Jackal Alphus

I've loved the idea of mounted hybrids for ages. Ever since I read the story about the raiders unwittingly attacking a caravan packed with cultists. Worst raid ever. (Edit: White Dwarf 115, Page 70)

Oh FFS, the raiders wailed.

With the advent of the new cult bikers, an opportunity presented itself. Added to that I needed a 40k racer mini for an upcoming BoYL game, and lo, it was time. Kol Renko, jackal alphus of the Wyrm Forged cult was born.

Now, my cult is placed in a corrupted adeptus mechanicus temple, so yeah, biked would make more sense. But to that I say FMEH. Instead of rationalising this I'll just put up another picture of Kol here.

I used one the the excellent mutie horses from Gorkamorka for the genesteed. It's perfect. For the rider I used admech, scion and cult parts, as well as a couple of fan-made bits. I used an acolyte body for Kol as I wanted him to be three-armed, and hence a 2nd generation hybrid. I did consider adding reins, but then came to my senses as rider and mount were painted separately, so it would have been crazy hard. Sometimes cost vs result needs to be employed. Also, the rider controls the mount using the broodmind link. There, SOLID explanation.

This fella gives me a nice HQ choice for 40k, and a sweet addition to the cult. Here's the obligatory 'new guy plus mates' shot I'm so exceedingly fond of.

Kol and his brethren aid biophagus Scrivello in his duties.
Now, back to that purestrain.


  1. There's so much to like about Kol and his mount, not least because you have made me re-evaluate the Gorkamorka steeds, which I'd pretty much dismissed previously.

    The colour variations on the genesteed's flesh are lovely - I particularly like that fade into purple on its lower legs. Kol is real triumph of matching up a disparate range of parts into a convincing whole. There's something about his hollow cheeks and creased upper lip that gives the impression of a very arid environment.

    I can't wait to see that purestrain-carrying wagon realised!

    1. Thanks very much Axiom. I've always had a serious soft spot for the mutie steeds myself!

      The blending from purple to skin is the only way I can marry some of the areas I want to look more genestealerish. I do all the blending on the basecoat and let washes and glazes do the work. Kol came together all at once. One minute he was looking rough, the next there he was. Done.

      A cult-wagon is certainly on my radar now!

  2. Kol and his mount are utterly superb! Like Jon you have made me take another look at those steeds. I'm in awe of the shimmering skintones on the mount, the way you did the veins almost gives him a translucent look. Then your red and grey on Kol are so rich. Way to raise the level on the MakeATrish comp.

    1. Cheers Grove! I do love painting flesh I must admit.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Nord, it's a great sculpt it must be said.

  4. Beyond awesome! The paint work on that steed is so good.

    1. Thanks Preacher. I had the muse with the steed, but the sculpt really aided the painting.

  5. Outstanding, I'll second the comments on the purple fade on the steed but the highlighting on the scales is masterful.

    1. Thanks Bill! With only small clumps of scales on the steed I was able to lavish more attention on them.

  6. I love the concept, and you really made this work! Truly great!

  7. This is excellent work! I figure the beast can go without reins as the Mutie incarnation of them is also missing them. Reins and bowstrings needn't appear in 28mm.

    This is a fantastic conversion, and the paintjob is really eery and alien. This was a strong contender for Trish's fave mini I reckon.

    1. Thanks Curis!

      Yeah, I think losing the reins was the right call. Not enough time for that kind of malarkey.

      I hope Trish liked it. I'm certainly very happy with the result. We'll see how he performs in the Ash Wastes race. Place your bets!
