
Friday, June 21, 2019

Genestealer Cult - Brother Medlock

Not every cult member gets fancy power hammers and swanky mining lasers. Some of the brethren just have to make do. Vyrion Medlock here has to put up with a simple, ah, halberd? Machete stick? Knife-pole?

Anyway, whatever it is, it pales in comparison to the magnificence of that cape. Stylish, high collared, shoulder length AND it has a beautiful gold clasp. So impressive is brother Medlock's cape that he has chosen to leave his top off so as not to distract from it's glory. Buck Rogers would be green with envy. Check it out:

With a cape like that the 3rd generation are in the bag.

I've been meaning to paint this fella for ages. Sculpted by Bob Olley, he's based on the original unreleased hybrid that, let's be honest, I have no chance of acquiring. Unless you have one. If you have one gimme it.

In any case, this guy is pretty hard to come by as well, so I was delighted to snag one. I've been pushing him higher and higher up the painting list, and finally, with BoYL coming up he made it. I fancy having him run down the corridors of a space hulk splitting terminators open with his sword-broom.

Medlock is part of a little subset of the cult I want to paint up, a wee family with juvenile hybrids and their parents and ah, pets. The gorgeous Asslessman has already painted up some of them, which you can see here.

For now though, Medlock joins the cult as another aberrant, ready to show those power-hammer wusses how it's done.

Why is he smiling like that? I think you know.


  1. He looks great Dave. He will look mighty fine lurking down the corridors of the space hulk with his trusty sword broom in hand.

    Oh, and it's now official, sword broom is a real weapon, you've just coined the term :D

  2. Looks brilliant. Wish I could wear a cape :o(

    1. Thanks Riot. I am 100% confident you can wear a cape. Now you go out there and get that cape! Live your dream!!

  3. The Olley is strong in this one, fantastic !

  4. Looks really intimidating but very stylish. Great job on the cape.

    1. Thanks Inchmurin. It's a difficult balance to maintain, the intimidation/style balance, but I think Medlock has it nailed.

  5. What a delight! There are so few examples of this guy, and even fewer painted. Yours sets the benchmark with that wonderful blue-tinged skin. Imagine how he'd look next to the unreleased version if you ever manage to obtain one!

    1. Thank you kindly Axiom, it is nice to have one painted up at last. The unreleased version is my cult grail, but I don't hold out much hope for that one!

  6. So cool model David, I'm really jealous :)
    And lovely painted!

    1. Thanks Nico! He'll be roaming the corridors of your gorgeous Space Hulk terrain soon enough, Star Gods willing.
