
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Ghost Archipelago 2 - Bo'sun Woodlock


"Secure those cannon ye mangy curs! See to yon keg, handsomely now!" 

Are the things I imagine bo'sun Woodlock would be shouting at his ragged crewmen upon the deck of the Kraken. He cuts a fine figure of an undead privateer with his single high boot and eye patch, but no pants. 

Woodlock here is from the old Marauder Miniatures MM/50 skeleton range. He's a little bit special as he's the Marauder Skeleton, based on the logo of the company. Check it out:

Cool eh? You don't see him about too much, and he's been waiting for the day I finally get an undead pirate crew together. Well, this is your time buddy. Get up that gangplank!

I managed to find a pleasantly appropriate shield for our bo'sun, depicting the Kraken these lads are so very fond of. I was tempted to use the Maruader Miniatures shield that has their skull logo on it, which would have had old Woodlock here fighting with a shield with his own face on it. Hilarious, but a little bit big for this mini in my view. So big squid it was.

Can you see the wee rum bottle? Eh? Amazing the things you have squirrelled away in the basing box. I have some treasure piles to do, so I think at least one will be a stash of bottles of rum. 

So that brings my small band to three. Next up the warden, my Old Man of the Sea, and an undead gunner. You can't have undead pirates without some rusty and ill maintained but inexplicably working firearms.


  1. I am really pleased that you did have a Marauderhead shield, and you tried it. Really deeply pleased.

    1. Once you suggested it it had to be tried. Just a little too big for him. Maybe one of his mates might use it in an effort to curry favour with the notoriously salty bo'sun.

    2. I am ever do slightly sad that this guy doesn't have a shield with his own face on it, like that 6th grader in South Park with the t-shirt, but if you tried it and it didn't work, then I'm with Curis.

      He looks the business.

    3. I wanted it to work, but he looked like a teenager that's just gotten their fist pair of New Rock boots that have turned out to be a size too big, but they're determined to wear them. 'No, it's fine, I like them like that!'

  2. Great choice of miniatures! Next please!

  3. I just love this guy, full of piratical touchstones. The painting is brilliant, really like those red tones on the shield.

    1. Cheers Axiom! Rust is a great ally when painting undead. Brown as mud up to fiery orange as needed.

  4. Well he’s turned out well for an old dead guy...
    A lovely paint job... I do like the shield.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! I'm delighted to have finally gotten to painting him up. The marauder skeleton and the undead hero are my favourites from the range. The hero is just so unusual. He has a vaguely Spanish feel about him with the armour, but then he has hooves. Fair enough. He'll make a great mercenary for my band of ruffians.

    2. I was thinking about what was on my mind when I made him/her...
      I wanted something that felt slightly more demonic... the hooves were a nice simple way of reflecting that.

      All the best. Aly

    3. It makes him really distinctive. I'm quite fond of minis that give you a sense of story.

  5. Best he could look and that shield is absolutely brilliant

  6. Arrr! It's fantastic! I love it, precisely because it's not over the top at all. It has *that* exact amount of detail which helps to transmit the vibe, not too much, not too little. You did an outstanding work here.

    1. Thanks very much Suber! It's always a pleasure to get a bucket list mini under the brush.
