
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ghost Archipelago 4 - Sargento Alejandro Mortéz

Joining the crew of the Kraken today we have the former Estalian adventurer, Alejandro Mortéz. 

Found marooned on a sandbar, Alejandro was only too glad to join the crew in return for passage away from his sandy obliette. 

It did't take long for Alejandro to tell his story. (There's a lot of time to kill on board the Kraken) It transpired that while looting a temple deep in the steaming jungles they had discovered a number of glowing green statuettes. Soon after leaving with their haul, Alejandro and his men had begun to grow ill. Terrified they had called down some terrible curse upon themselves, they made for their ship. As they journeyed to the coast some of the men expired, while others began to change, much to the horror of their comrades.

By the time they reached the beach, only Alejandro was left, and was much altered. Breaking the tree line, the last of his strength deserted him as he reached the shore.

He awoke on his lonely sandbar, nothing but bleached bone and rusting armour. he still had one of the tiny statues in his pouch, and it is this, he reasoned, that brought him back. Alejandro has had a very long time to consider his fate. Maybe if he returned it, he might be restored?

The crew reckons that ship had sailed, as it were, but they are very interested indeed in the location of that temple.

Alejandro is another of the marvellous undead from Marauder Miniatures. MM50/1 C, undead hero, sculpted by Aly Morrison. He's a particularly characterful fella. The mutated legs and ornate armour, combined with the cutlass and pistol make him a favourite. I was most gratified to find a home for him in the crew.

I painted him up with my usual undead scheme. I've taken to adding a little thinned Skeleton Horde contrast paint to parts of the bone I want to tone down or deepen the shade. It's great stuff. 

That brings the crew to the half way mark. The next fellow is not far from done, so hopefully another crewmate will be along presently Cap'n.


  1. That's fantastic! I love your work on bone and armour, top notch work and of course a nice story behind. Genius.

    1. Thanks Suber. It's quite fun building up the story of the Kraken as each crewmember is completed.

  2. Love your work on this one: that armour is very good.

    1. Cheers Preacher. I do enjoy working on corroded metal. It's mostly washes and drybrushing, so I can be pretty loose with it, and that then makes the whole process that much more enjoyable.

  3. Another Marauder skeleton that I was only dimly aware of, pressed into service in what I assume is Alejandro's dream job.

    As Suber said, the armour is tasty.

    1. Thank Cheetor. He's one of those minis I've been looking for a home for for ages.

  4. A lovely paint job Mr Saturday...

    The armour has come out really well

    All the best. Aly
