
Sunday, February 20, 2022

Silver Bayonet - Igor Rigorov

Returning to my Silver Bayonet unit, I've finished off this creaky old fellow. Hailing from the venerable Deadloque boxed set, this old soldier will serve as an irregular in the unit. 

Igor was an old solider even before he died. Having long served Kapitán Morozov as a tracker through the deep woods and vast wildernesses of Europe, his skills have lost little of their edge despite Igors subsequent lack of eyes, nose or ears. His ragged uniform hangs loose on his once robust frame, but  his rifle is kept scrupulously cleaned and oiled. In fact, he maintains much of his fellows gear as well, as some lack the dexterity or wit to do so themselves.

Igor was painted in a reasonable approximation of a Russian uniform. I will forgive myself any historical errors on my undead Russian soldiery. I did freehand a little decoration on his cartridge pouch from a Russian example though.

Yeah, look at me, all historical. It's quite fun looking up quite detailed uniform guides for Napoleonic infantry and then applying them to undead I have to say. It's also nice getting paint on these old boys after intending to for some time. A lot of time. More time than some of ye have been alive possibly.

So, Morozov finally has a subordinate to boss around (you know how sulky vampires can get when they're not in charge) and I have two bulky greatcoat-wearing line infantrymen on the paint station next to bring the unit up to half strength. 

'How's my hair Igor?' 'Magnificent Kapitán.'


  1. Outstanding work, love the dirt along the bottom of his trousers!

    1. Thanks Bill! The dirt is good old Typhus Corrosion from GW, a magical pot of weathering.

  2. Haha, this one is so great! Makes me wish to see a whole regiment! :D
    Seriously, lovely work :)

    1. Cheers Suber! I probably have enough line zombies to do a regiment. There's even cavalry and a cannon and crew in the boxes there someplace. For now though, I'll concentrate on this Silver Bayonet unit. Baby steps and that.

  3. Brilliant idea to mix historical uniforms and fantasy creatures: the look of this old (indeed decrepit) veteran is unique! Very well done, in addition to the wear of the clothes, it is also the decoration on the pouch: what was your source exactly?

    1. Thanks Rodor! The decoration on the pouch is from Osprey's 'The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1)', it's full of great reference.

  4. Is this FLintloque out of your system for another 26 years, or will we see a small force from you any time soon?

    1. Oh, I think I have some more Flintloque love to express before I move on. Enough at least to get this unit on the table, then, we'll see where the whimsy takes me.
