
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Sláine 2 - Skull Sword Pack 1

So, that's my first pack of skull swords for Sláine complete. I'm sticking with the Contrast paint approach for this project, and I'm learning more about their uses all the time. Right now I'm of a mind that they won't replace my traditional way of working, but they will certainly add a very nice set of new techniques to my painting arsenal.

The Siocast these fellows are made from holds an insane amount of detail, and is quite pliable. These lads won't break in a hurry. On the downside, files are useless. The material shreds when filed, so a super sharp scalpel is your best friend when cleaning mould lines and such. It holds paint just fine, at least it holds primer fine. I'm using Games Workshop Wraithbone primer on these lads.

So considering I'm using new paint techniques on a new material, I think these lads are turning out pretty good. The shields designs are great, particularly the one you can see just above here. The designers have taken a lot from the art of Belardinelli, who drew the Sláine strip in the early days. 

Skull sword packs come in 3s, and die easy, so I have a couple more groups of these evil guys to paint yet. I need a bit of a treat though, so next up is their evil boss, the lord weird, Slough Feg.


  1. Pretty decent looking minis, and of course your painting makes them look exceptional! I'm no fan of the Siocast though, horribly bendy yuck. Shame as even in regular hard plastic I might have given the Slaine stuff a go otherwise.

    1. Thanks Fimm. The Siocast does take some getting used to. It's not my material of choice, but it's Sláine, so what's a fellow to do?
