
Friday, February 16, 2024

Sláine 5 - Skull Swords Pack 3

Today we have YET MORE Skull Swords. This time carrying the feared repeater crossbow. These are my third and last pack of Skull Swords for now. Three packs of these murderous ruffians should be plenty for any scenario in the game. They'll be giving it a bit of this in a few weeks:

Now that I have enough troops and a couple of Skull Sword champions, I can start adding some of the more esoteric Drune units. One or two Badb to keep Feg safe might be the next port of call. 

But not right now. I have more than enough troops painted for the Slaine get-together myself and my gaming buddies have planned for March, where nine(!) warbands will clash on the sacred soil of The Land of the Young. Here's the whole warband:

So, that's two packs of Skull Swords with hand weapon and shield, one pack with repeater crossbows, two Skull Swords champions with hand weapon and shield, and Slough Feg. 

Let's take a look at them in a more natural setting eh? Chilling out at one of Drunemeton's many idyllic sacrificial circles.

So, with the Drune warband in the bag (unless I decide to add yet some more champions) it's onward to the next project!


  1. Lovely stuff. They are looking pretty splendid. Looking forward to seeing them on the table.

    1. Thanks young Otto! I look forward to getting them blooded.

  2. It was an absolute joy to see these in real life! I really like the moody slightly desaturated colour choices you executed. Gems.

    1. Thanks Curis, that's most kind of you. It was equally a delight to see your Olley Sidhe, they are goddang lovely.

  3. Hey hey, I just wanted to thank you (many years after it was posted) for posting the terracotta gargoyle color scheme (and the terracotta soldiers tutorial). It looks fantastic so I shamelessly tried to copy you xD I wasn't fully successful, because on top of the massive difference in skill I don't have the same colors so I had to make do with what I had available, but even so I'm somewhat happy with the result (at least it stands on the board and looks way different than the usual Bloodthirster or stone gray gargoyles you see on the Internet). Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Santo, you're very welcome. I'm glad the tutorial was of help to you. I must come back the the terracotta warriors at some point. There are cavalry and larger constructs waiting for the brush still!

  4. UUuuhm I left a coment but I can't see it, this one is just checking if it's pending moderation or I did something wrong, sorry for the spam.

    1. Apologies Santo, a couple of comments fell down the back of the couch!
