
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Genestealer Cult - Hybrid Bits Hunt

After some chatting on among the bloggers the fire is once again upon me to work up a test hybrid for my cult. The fellow above is the look I've settled on for 2nd and 3rd generation hybrids. The bits hunt is in full swing, but I've hit an impasse. For the lower body I think Empire flagellant legs are bang on. The heads will be from the sisters of slaughter dark elf kit, but the upper torso has me stumped. For some hybrids I'll use the existing flagellant torso, and for 2nd gens the warhammer ghoul kit is perfect. Mantic plague models will also come in handy, but what I REALLY need are some bare torso and arms. I looked at dark eldar wracks and mandrakes, which have the wiry worked out looking proportions I'd like to use, but they are not ideal with all the hair on the mandrakes and also the expense. I thought I had it with plastic beastman torsos, but they're too hairy. Chaos marauders are a bit too buff. One is stumped.

Therefore, I put out the call, if anyone knows of a kit/model/conversion pack that contains bare humanish torsos/arms, one would be most grateful.


  1. There is one naked torso in the catachan imperial guard line and some with just open jackets and sweat shirts.

    1. Too buff I'm afraid! The heads I'm using won't match.

  2. AoW Dwarf Slayers have nice bare torsos

  3. This pack contains loads of nuddy torsos.

    Click me

    1. Oddly I have some of them! The heads fit great, but I don't know how I'll get a lasgun in those hands. I kind of need a torso I can attach arms to easily and I have a feeling they won't match the flagellant legs. (I must track down some of those, incidentally) Don't want much, do I?

    2. Try to get hold of one of the GW Savage Orc torsos too as a tester.

  4. Replies
    1. Beaten to it by seconds!
      Okay, plastic Zulus then :-)

    2. The Zulus look promising, possibly with the same concerns I have about the Celts. I guess I'll try a Celt torso and see how that goes first.

  5. There are some bare-chested cultists in the most recent 40K boxed set but I don't know if you can get them on their own.

    1. I've seen some good bits on the cultists, I might have a dig around for them.

  6. I love genestealer cults! I've been working on mine for second edition for a while now; but life keeps getting in the way!! What edition will you be using yours for mate?

    1. 2nd probably, but I've not put too much thought into it yet!

  7. I've spotted a couple more options, GW zombies, and Heresy dark brethren are very promising with plastic chaos cultist arms. Getting there, getting there.

  8. The Celts sound to me like the most straightforward approach so far. Those figures are a smidge on the petite side in terms of proportion (they dont have hands like ham hocks) but they are the closest to the illustration above that I am aware of.

    I had a dig around last night for some of the celts to blu-tac to the flagellant legs that I have knocking around, but it appears that I have traded away the Celts, so I cant mock up a proof for you. Oh well.

    I approve of you steering clear of Catachans and Marauders. Useful for some things for sure, but far too beefcake for most purposes.

    Im looking forward to this project taking shape :)

  9. I may have a new lead on the torsos and arms, dark elf warlocks! They come with a corset though, but I can work around that. Now to procure one to test...

  10. And one more lead on torsos. Bloodletters. A little work needed, but definite potential.
