
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Dwarves - Thwoppa Thwoppa!

So the new dwarves are getting toward the week two releases, most eminent of which are the gyrocopters. This is going to be the marmite release for the range, methinks. Here's the images, courtest of Plastic Krak.

 As you can see there are two variants, the smaller gyrocopter and the larger gyrobomber. My first impressions of the model was not positive. The bright colour scheme and the curved hull made the copter look very modern. However, once I saw the side view, the blades and detail, I warmed to them very quickly. I think painting them as metal or wood would make a huge difference to the look of the thing, but then, fantasy helicopter? It's always going to look a bit weird, and frankly it's one of the few remaining humorous models left in warhammer to remind us that this game once had it's tongue firmly planted in it's cheek.

The smaller copter looks like a wee angry bee, and I like it. The Da Vinci style mechanisms are lovely, and the pilot is super groovy with his flying googles and jacket. It would almost make a man want to play dwarves.

Below is the new runelord and iron breakers. They are really very nice indeed. I can see dwarf fans all over having a little cry over how handsome the new dwarves are. The thing about these new dwarves is that they are such a leap forward they make the existing dwarf range look like badly dressed cosplayers. A new warriors/thunders set is now badly needed.


  1. That gyrocopter looks like something they forgot to release for squats in the early 90's.

    I like it lots but not for fantasy dwarves, would look good with jets in a forge fathers army.

    1. SPOT ON.

      The model screams "squatcopter" to me. It could make a splendid dwarf armoured ship or submarine too. Definitely an intersting model but not to use for its original purpose.

    2. It's got huge conversion potential.

  2. It's funny, we could all end up buying this one, but not to use it in a dwarf army. I can think of a lot of uses for this thing. Thanks for the heads up Saturday!

  3. I call "Marmite"!

    Im sorry to say that unless it looks very different "in hand" I wont be including one of those in my squat/forgefather force. The vehicle might fit in with dwarf armies - I dont really know - but its got far too many nice, but inappropriate DaVinci/steampunk trappings to look right for squats without extensive reworking. The sort of extensive reworking that says to me that I should have bought something like this instead:

    It may be the rather vulgar colour choice, but I keep thinking "bath toy" when I see those. Its a pity, as I would have happily bought one or two if I thought that they were sci-fi enough. But they are too steampunk for my tastes.

    Loads of people like steampunk squats I guess (it might explain the popularity of the amusing, but really very daft squat "egg" exo-armour) but I prefer a more sci fi look than a Gimli-has-googles look. YMMV, multiple smiley face, no offence intended etc.

    1. Yep, it's one of those controversial models. I can see it working for squats, but as you say, you'd have to gut it first.

      As for egg armour, I have a squad of chaos squats in exo armour, and I love the little fellows. They're just so adorable!

    2. I quite like the little exo-squats in all honesty. Its a nostalgia clouded, post modern sort of like that cant be trusted, but its there.

      The 'copters look dodgy to me though, like a comemorative bottle of Riverdance bubble bath on a flying stand. Maybe its the colours that tbe studio chose to paint them and once on the table they will look fantastic. Its easy to be a hater, maybe they will look great in person.

      I just get a strong Storm Talon vibe from these. They did not turn out to be better in person :(

    3. 'a comemorative bottle of Riverdance bubble bath' - excellent, that's my line of the day.

      Yes, the nostalgia thing is a tricksy one. Well put.

  4. As someone who varies between scornful and disinterested when it comes to modern Games Workshop I have to say I like that new gyrocopter, the little one most of all.

  5. Now, being a long term dwarf player, I am unsure on the gyros. They are too fat looking. I liked the idea that these things are for small, short journeys.

    The others look really nice. Though, I feel the runelord/smith's head looks a little small in comparison.

    Other news, the runes remain... and the organ gun can now be runed!

  6. I'm ok with anything that changes the old gyros. The damn rotors would never stay on and they were so tiny I could never pin them properly. Its good they put out a plastic model. To me as someone who used to love GW but has abadoned their current stuff wholesale. I just look at individual models to see if they'd be something I'd like to own for other games. As several people have already commented, on that note this looks like a model with much potential for other games. Whether or not you want to use it with forge-fathers/squats (I would but I'd convert it pretty heavily) or just for some strange steampunk/pulp model ... I agree it has potential.

    I generally approve of GWs large plastic fantasy models. Again ... I have no clue what they are used for in the game anymore as I don't play 8th. But they are cool and I'm glad they exist. I cannot say the same for ANY of their failcast shite ...!!

    Thanks for the post sir!

    1. These days, I look at GW kits like an organlegger views a pair of lost hikers. It's generally about what parts of the kit I can use for various projects. I was on my knees with joy when the forsaken kit was released for example. All those wonderful claws, tentacles and gribbly bits. I'll probably never build an actual forsaken model.The gyro screams 'Useful at some juncture for something awesome.'

  7. I wanted to hate it but I can't it's a joyful little thing that makes me smile.

    I may paint it in the colours of the Magic Roundabout though...
