
Thursday, October 1, 2015

F@‪#‎K‬ YOU CANCER - Gaming Event

This morning, the owner of my FLGS, Ronan, posted an event to help raise funds for Cancer Care West in Ireland. In the same post he told us his wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

I'm going to try and help out with raising money for the event, on the 17-18 October, so naturally I thought of all you fine folks. Any and all support would be greatly appreciated, the details are below.

“This is going to be an event to raise money for cancer care west, where a bunch of volunteer gamers will attempt to keep games running in the store for 24 hours from 12pm of the 17th to 12pm on the 18th. Everybody knows someone who has been affected with cancer and this summer gone I was directly affected, as my amazing wife was told she had cancer. That is why we raised money at the last pre-release (almost €1200) and that’s why we are running this 24 hour GAME-A-THON!! Cancer care west are an amazing organisation and any help we can give them will mean a lot to them and all the cancer patients they help.”


tel: +35391567930


  1. This is a lovely thing to do and I hope the best for Ronan's wife.

  2. A wonderful thing to do Dave & I hope it all goes very well, if I wasn't in London that weekend I would have head over to part take in the event.

    My best wishes to all involved.

  3. All the best for the lady in question and I hope the event raises plenty of cash!
