
Monday, October 5, 2015

Judgement Day Post 24 - Judge Fear

Phew! That was close. I really thought this was the one that was gonna get past me, but no, Judge Fear just makes it in time for the deadline.

My fears were groundless. Ahem.

Oh, Judge Fear...
This week sees another of the dark judges painted, the Citadel Judge Fear. It's not my favourite of the old dark judge sculpts, but like Fear himself, I can't help but like it despite it's failings. His ankles in particular gave me a nightmare. Removing his tab and pinning them to the base was akin to trying to decide which wire to cut before the timer reached zero and the bomb went off. Steady hands.

Judge Fear is the no-fun-but-you-have-to-bring-him-cousin of the dark judges. ALWAYS first to get smashed up, and a bit jealous of his brothers cooler powers. Plus: mantraps? A shrunken head on his belt? Bat wings on his helmet, which also has a little door he opens to scare you?

He's fantastic, isn't he?

Individually scaring everyone to death. That's gonna take awhile.
We got even more evidence of Judge Fear's loser status in the recent Dreams of Deadworld series in 2000AD. I just can't help rooting for him though. He tries so hard, bless him.

With Fear done, that brings the brothers up to three. I bet you can't guess who's next on the painting table? Next week it's back over to Cheetor in the continuing game of Dredd tennis.


  1. You gazed into a certain amount of fear yourself in the last couple of hours Im guessing, well done :)

    How did painting the face grill work out? I have painted two Fears and I must have painted and repainted that grill five or six times before I just accepted a tolerable finish.

    You went for the grey cape. Was that based on specific artwork? I went for the brown cape as per the "Die Laughing" Dredd/Batman crossover.

    Nice work anyway. My very first ever Citadel Dredd miniature next Monday I think.

    1. Cheers Paul. The face was okay, I made up a couple of washed over an orange base coat, which I liberally washed around the faceplate too. That looks to have given the black metal a reddish sheen, which was what I was after.

      The cape I saw on an action figure and liked it. I wanted something quite bright for him, considering the dark grey base.

  2. You where very hard on poor old Fear Dave lol as always who paint work is top notch, the contras of the colours on the cloak work very well.

    1. Thanks Frank. Fear does it to himself, never learns...

  3. I really like the helmet with the red showing underneath, I agree about fear's status but I think it gives him a nice voibe you could almost sympathise with... almost, as much as you can sympathise with the runt of a bunch of demons...

    1. Thanks JB. I tend to find myseld rooting for the dark judges. What that says about me is probably best not to go into.

  4. Very nice Dave. Loving the Judge Dredd theme at the minute!

  5. Very cool. If I was going to get a big back tattoo, I'm thinking it would be that "Gaze into the fist of Dredd" sketch. Thanks for bringing back some memories!
