
Friday, June 17, 2016

New Gaming Magazine - The Golden D6

The Golden D6 is a new hobby fanzine that has been increasingly popping up around the gaming community grapevine. Curious, I took a look and was impressed at the level of hobby love crammed in there. Battle reports, gaming articles and showcases of lots of delicious miniatures fill the pages. (The evil 40k clown army in issue 4 being a favourite. A jokaero in a top hat is always a good thing.) It gives me the old White Dwarf vibe, it even has stories in. It's always nice to get a magazine looking at a wide variety of miniature lines and gaming systems, and the D6 collects a lot of goodness from around the industry and community so my lazy ass doesn't have to go looking for it. Definitely worth a look.

Issue 5 will have an article on my Frostgrave deadites, which is pretty cool. So if you fancy giving it a look you can click the old link here and away you go. If you use the link and buy an issue or subscription I'll get a tasty cut, which I'll spend on miniatures, which I'll paint, and then post here. The circle of life. Beautiful.

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