
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Shadow Empire - Terracotta Warrior Halberdier Unit

My first unit for my mythological Chinese/ undead Cathayan army for Dragon Rampant is done, a unit of terracotta warriors. A four point heavy Infantry unit with the 'Undead - No Feelings' rule. Lo-Pan's rank and file.

I'm really rather delighted with how quickly I was able to get these done. The fact they are mostly one colour helped quite a bit. I managed to pick up a large coffee table book on the tomb of the first emperor recently, which has as much reference photos as I could ever want. It did give me the idea to add some cavalry though, so expect some terracotta warriors riding bronze horses at some point. Hopefully I can source a war chariot too.

I plan on three units of the warriors ultimately, one with halberds, one with sword and shield and one with crossbows. The second unit, the swordsmen, is on the assembly table, I just need to procure some command figures, as sadly, John Jenkins no longer sells the terracotta warrior range. Renegade Miniatures warring states range looks like a likely source of models for replacement officers and such. A little conversion work and slight mutilation with the solder pen (wearing a mask) and they should be good to go.

So that's four points down, twenty to go.


  1. I am so looking forward to more of this project. Such a cool theme!

    1. Thanks Airborne, there's plenty more to come!

  2. You've really managed to make those guys vibrant despite their uniform colour, the metals and other spot colours really work without breaking the overall look. Classic.

    1. Thanks JB, I turned up the bronze quite a bit to give them some pop. I might have to dial it back for the bronze horses though, otherwise it'll be a bit fabulous.

  3. Lovely and seriously rapid in output too. An army of these guys with some choice characters and interesting focal points will be stellar.

    A brilliant start.

    1. Cheers. It's exciting getting a unit done that quick. Quick for me, anyhow. With two more units of these that'll be the bulk of a playable army done, so I can add other units at my leisure.

  4. Wooow, they look great!! Damn nice! :O

  5. Wow, its really cool how you've painted them so they are the terracotta colours but still have such depth and character. Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks very much MW, stippling and washes helped there. I'm very fond of the sculpts, they have a lot of detail. You can't see it here, but several of the warriors backs have caved in, which makes them a little more creepy.

      Unit two is being assembled at the moment, this time with sword and shield. The ancient Chinese shields are a really lovely shape, and I'll add more colour to them to make the warriors stand out some more.

  6. Great work on these guys from concept to execution. The models details stand out really nicely with your approach, great musician and standard for these chaps. I am looking forward to this force shaping up into something truly unique in gaming armies.

    1. Thank you kindly. It's satisfying getting these guys out of storage and finally painted. I had hoped to get a couple more of the standard and musician, but sadly this range appears to have vanished from the face of the Earth completely, so I'll need to convert something for other units. Still, some variety in command models is for the best. It's shaping up to be one of my favourite projects, it's been on the bucket list for years.
