
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Shadespire - Petitioners and the Harvester

I'm back working on the sepulchral guard for Shadespire now that the Shadow Dragon Tong project is finished. I really like these minis. Most of the Shadespire models are cracking, though the sepulchral guard and the skaven are probably my favourites.

I've finished the petitioners and the harvester. As with a lot of the modern GW sculpts, you really have to consider sub assemblies or buy magic brushes to get at some of the parts. None of the lads above had to be painted that way thankfully, but the other three require sub assemblies for painting.

The harvester is a fairly simple model, though his half cloak makes me a little uneasy. It's like watching someone walk about with a vest on but no underpants. For all his simplicity though, he's a really nice sculpt. Super delicate though, as most of the sepulchral guard are.

This petitioner is half the job, but trying to paint his hips and the underside of his rags is a bit fiddly. 'Nobody will see them!' you say. I know. I know. The wee gravestone is cool though. I added a little ivy to it for the craic.

The second petitioner is a bit more meaty, painting wise. He has furs, leather, cloth, metal and bone. I added a couple more quick steps to my rust technique and it turned out well I think. The fur I painted as wolf pelt. I might do the same on the warden. (I see I've missed the leather strap on his sword. Goddammit. Back to the painting table with you sonny.)

I have the prince, warden and champion on the desk at the moment. They are little more involved than the fellows I've done thus far, but the sub assembly approach should help. I have a little over a week to get these finished before they step into battle for the first time. Some serious painting sessions ahead.


  1. Great work! I love the metals on the swords and shields.

    1. Thanks Preacher! I've been messing with my rust recipe to add more orange and a little more grime. It suits these dusty gents.

  2. Top banana! Can't wait to have my speed-painted Dwarfs shown up by these gorgeous paintjobs.

    1. I doubt that, knowing you those dwarves will actually glow. Not that it'll stop me burying a scythe in their chunky heads though.

  3. Everything is amazing, but those reds! Top notch M8!

  4. Excellent skellies (in my childhood I dreamt of wargaming with undead armies, who knows why), your paint job is a masterpiece! I particularly like the one getting out the tomb, it reminds me an old Rackham figure.

  5. Those look absolutely stunning!!

    1. Thanks Riot, I am pretty happy with them so far. It’ll be nice to have a warband finished so I can play some games!

  6. Tremendously fantastic!! I love your take on these, seriously.

    1. Cheers Suber. I love undead, but these are extra fab minis.

  7. Thanks Suber! Bloodletter glaze FTW.

  8. Excellent work, you've managed to make the white look interesting with multiple tones on the bone but also keep it looking like bone. I can't wait to see the rest!

    1. Thanks Andrew, the last three are almost half way there I'd say.

  9. They look amazing Sir Saturday, they really do! The bony bits especially, but the rust effects and the deep red of the capes is awesome.

    Lovely :)

  10. Beautifully done sir...

    All the best. Aly

  11. Fantastic painting Mr. Saturday! I have studiously avoided looking at Shadespire because I am weak willed and want all the toys. I particularly liked your Lo Pan and boys, but I didn't want to be a thread Necromancer and comment on those.

    1. Thanks Sean. I thoroughly recommend giving in to Shadespire, the warbands are great fun to paint and the game is great.

      Cheers for the comments about Lo Pan and his fellows. Necrothread all you like!

  12. Great job. What was you base colour for the inner part of the shield?

    1. Cheers Robert. The base colour was old GW Scorched Brown.
