
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Shadespire - Sepulchral Guard Finished

These lads were supposed to be deep in the heart of battle at this moment, but life sometimes makes plans without consulting us, so instead I found myself with the time to take some photos of my finished Sepulchral Guard. The last three I painted were the Warden, Champion and Prince of Dust.

The Warden is a cool looking skeleton. I love his pose, the armoured boots, the fur, the shield, all suitably epic. That cloak in particular is mightily heroic. I painted him in two parts so I could get at his armour, shield and cloak. There was no way I could have levered my brush into some of those crannies without severe mental damage. As a grognard, I was not raised with all these holes in cloaks and super dynamic poses. My undead had to rank up, by Nagash!

I'm not really a fan of assembly after painting, it's always a risk. This time though, he went together just dandy. Look at that cloak though, what a sculpt.

The second of these final three was the Prince of Dust. Less detailed than the Warden, the Prince is still a great mini. The slightly askew jaswbone is a nice touch, it makes him look like a bit of a madman. I reckon he's the skeleton that charges in with the high pitched scream, Harryhausen style. This guy was also painted in two parts so I could get at his shield and cloak.

The final of the three is the Champion. The goth of the group. He's got that art nouveau thing going on with the pointed helm, tall elegant broadsword and flowing cloth. He was also painted in two parts, and was a true bastard to put together after.

You know, I've been at this miniature painting lark for a long time. Over thirty years. I like to think I'm a bit of a veteran. I know a few things. Like how to dry fit parts, I know how to do that. I shaved the plug on this guy before I started painting so that it would fit nice and easy after I'd finished painting both parts. Did it? No. It did not. It did not.

So, with the plug half way in I think 'I'll pull it out, shave it some more and go again.' Nope. No budging. I did scrape the paintwork trying too. The only thing for it was to push it and hope it moved far enough. By the grace of the Gods, it did. Not perfectly though, it left a gap of two or so millimetres where the hand joins the wrist. Some glue (glue on painted parts, good Christ) and I held that sucker tight for about five minutes. More paint damage. With the parts finally together I repaired the damage to the paint and hit him with a fresh coat of varnish. A close call.

With the Champion defeated that was the warband complete. I'm pretty happy to have a Shadespire warband ready to go, and I fancy doing another in the near future. Skaven perhaps, maybe even Stormcast. They're such great little painting projects. Before that though, I think I'll have a crack at some terrain for blocked hexes. I have lots of ruins and statuary that's crying out for use in something like Shadespire ruins.

Next up though, something from the circus.


  1. Ace work!

    I'll definitely consider adding those fellas to my skeleton regiment.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! They would make a great addition to any undead army. I painted mine in my army colours, so they'll get press ganged in at some point no doubt

  2. These really look the business. Your issues remind me of what I don't like about multipart kits, plastics in particular. I've been painting my Bretonnian knights in pieces, so far so good.

    1. Thanks Sean. Multipart I can deal with, sub assemblies for painting, that terrifies me. The addition of paint to tight fitting parts is often enough to cause problems later. I should know this!

  3. I love them...

    Beautifully done...

    I would love to see what you do with the other factions ...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly! I'll be taking on another warband later on for sure. The skaven are very tempting, they're fantastic, but I have a grĂ¡ to paint the stormcast as well.

  4. They're absolutely wonderful !
    Now that you've come out, I can finally admit it... The exact same thing happened to me...
    The thing that finally worked in the end though wasn't shortening the plug but folding sand paper around it to make it slightly thinner, it seems even the base coat was enough to make the parts incompaible. The sign of the cross/gluing thing did happen. I've been there. It happens... Unlike leadrot or erectile dysfunction ... which are just myths as we all know.

    1. Thanks Mr Assless.

      You'd think we'd know better, wouldn't you?

  5. Hey ! Thanks to Aly, I have been following your progress on the warband with interest. I sculpted these guys and I really like what you did with them, it is looking dead good. I strongly advise toward painting the skaven now, as they are mine too !

    Maxime Corbeil

    1. Hi Maxime. Wow, it's rather excellent to have the sculptor commenting on my efforts! Thank you very much indeed, I am loving your work. While I have you, I must say those skaven are superb. I love all the details, especially the little rats on the bases running under the grating and swimming in the gunk.

    2. thank you ! those rats were pretty fun to sculpt ... hopefully they will be fun to paint too :)

    3. I have no doubt they'll be great fun.

  6. These are amazing, which is truly something being used to your standards!

  7. Superb work Dave. The think I am most looking forward to seeing is Maximes lovely sculpts beside some of your classic Bob Olley Skeletons, now that is a unique force! I demands photographs soon! :D

    1. Thanks the Otto. Bob's lads are big fellas next to them, but they all serve my will.

  8. Great to see these all done, shame I didn't get to play them at the weekend. Great work washing the green in, that makes them really come alive. Don't feel so bad about your paint damage – I've just snapped apart my Chosen Axes to get at all the details which has caused all sorts of problems. Ho hum!

    1. Thanks Curis. It was a great shame, but we will cross swords another day!

      Aye, the green does jazz them up some. I have Sean to thank for that recipe.

      Yikes, I hope your Chosen Axes come out the other side okay!

  9. These look beautiful! I absolutely love the rust effects you did on their metals. Any tips on achieving that look?

    1. Thanks Flanagan. The metals use the GW series. They are: Base - Leadbelcher. Wash - Nuln Oil. Drybrush - Leadbelcher, Runefang Steel and a light brush of Stormhost Silver. Wash with a 50:50 mix of Mechrite Red:Lahmian Medium. Another light drybrush of Stormhost Silver. Dab some watered down Typhus Corrosion into the appropriate recesses. Done!
