Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Turnip28 - 5th Deathcap Line Infantry 2

Let's kick off the first post of 2025, with a gaggle of vegetable-infused infantry.

I've completed my first batch of Turnip28 fodder for my wee force. These fellows, the 5th Deathcap line, will be 12 strong when complete. As the biggest regiment in the force, I decided to tackle them first. Getting them done will be a nice mojo booster. 

Fungal Revenant

I used a few Turnip28 sets for these, alongside the fodder set. The brutes and mutations set, along with some other bits and pieces gave me a nice sandbox to build with. Which was ridiculously fun.

The fungal revenant above is the ultimate fate of every Deathcap line trooper. All the Deathcap are riddled with fungal infestation, and upon a soldier's death, the fungus proliferates. Through some bizarre symbiotic quirk, the fungus soon resurrects the corpse of the deceased. This infested shell then continues to fight with the regiment until such time as too many bits fall off. It's unsettling, but keeps the line filled. 

Private Inkcap Dover

As to painting, I was happy with my test model, so I used that scheme. The ribbons on the rifles, after a suggestion from a friend, I painted like soiled toiler paper. Poo-dirty Seals? Shit Ribbons? Diarrhetic pendants? The jury is still out.

Private Cep Hawthorne

Next up I think the regiment's captain might get some paint. He's more heavily converted and covered in dozens of parnsips. Like, dozens. Until then, what's that smell?

The socks crack me up.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Turnip28 - 5th Deathcap Line Infantry Tester

 It's been quiet on the Mumblings of late. I've been deep in the mud of Cyst, the setting for the eccentric, delightful game; Turnip28. A dystopian Napoleonic body horror wargame with vegetables. 

I've spent the last couple of months assembling a regiment of these curious folk. There's a heavy Jim Henson/Terry Gilliam vibe, which is a big draw for me. The official minis are all 3d prints, which I've combined with various other kits, Perry Napoleonics French and Agincourt sets in particular, to produce my little force of muddy malcontents. 

So, after an epic of sawing, gluing, kit-bashing and green-stuffing, the entire regiment is built and ready for the brush. Below is my first tester for a unit of fodder, private Thomas Buttoncap of the 5th Deathcap Line. 

Thomas is quite gaily attired, as you can see. A lot of the Turnip28 minis you see are doused in mud and grass, which isn't for me. I like the toy soldier aesthetic of Napoleonics, so I've chosen quite a vibrant uniform colour scheme and then weathered it down a bit. Most of the grime comes from his rusty metals. 

I'm painting the next batch of fodder at the moment, and I must say, the T28 minis are great fun to paint. Detailed, but that detail is easy to read and paint. 

More Turnip posts are inbound as the regiment progresses!

You can delve into the greasy world of Turnip 28 yourself by joining Max FitzGerald's Patreon. The rules are free and there are a lot of stls you can  download to print your own troops. you can order physical models at:

Shop: https://finura.dk/vare-kategori/models/turnip28/

UK Shop: https://www.haychdee.com/

MMF: https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-turnip28-captain-grod-405501

The new kickstarter, The Shattered Lance, starts soon. 

Get in that mud, you maggots.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Undead - Vampire Knight

Today we have a miniature I've been slowly ticking over in between other projects. It's taken months of five minutes here and ten minutes there to complete him. But finally, Stephane Dreux, vampire knight, is finished.

This fellow is a mounted vampire knight by Reaper Miniatures. I picked up the model many years ago. I originally started him to use as my champion in games of Full Tilt (and I still may) but life got in the way and he never got finished. Rather than have him linger in the half-done box, I resolved to just pick away at him when I had a minute. 

He's a metal model, and required a fair bit of clean-up and some lance repair. Colour-wise I used Juan Hidalgo Miniatures' 'Eavy Contrast - Blood Dragon Vampire Lord tutorial (mostly) for the knight's armour. The horses armour I got from the Citadel Colour App for Blood Dragon horse armour. I wanted a darker, more sombre red for the horse armour.

The black horse was a bit tough, as I wanted it to have some reflection to simulate the sheen from a horse's body. The lance I painted as a kind of semi-fossilised bone. The shield is black, but has a few gradiated coats of red glazes. All the tackle, straps and belts etc. are worn brown leather. 

Purple cloth, some aged brass and a vibrant orange jewel for contrast finishes him off. 

Stephane Dreux is another long-serving character in my armies. A former knight of Bretonnia cut down and turned into a Blood Dragon vampire, he amps up the self-pitying anti-hero schtick to eleven. You can read more about Stephane in my old page on the Horde of Dreux. Here's a snippet:

When Stephane grasped the grail it burned him terribly, but he would not release it. His body smoked and blackened as the new-born vampire clung onto the holy object. He wanted to die rather than exist as a perversion of the man he had been only scant hours before. As he burst into flame the lady moved to save him. Aregisel was built over a spring sacred to the Bretonnian deity, and she had sensed the host of men battle valiantly against their enemies. Stephane had defended her shrine until he had been transfixed by his enemies blades, and she resolved that his fate was not to die in agony and failure.

Oh yeah, feel that angst. I bet he broods a lot on cliff edges.

Anyhow, there you go, that's another Mumble in the bag for now!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Sláine 5 - Skull Swords Pack 3

Today we have YET MORE Skull Swords. This time carrying the feared repeater crossbow. These are my third and last pack of Skull Swords for now. Three packs of these murderous ruffians should be plenty for any scenario in the game. They'll be giving it a bit of this in a few weeks:

Now that I have enough troops and a couple of Skull Sword champions, I can start adding some of the more esoteric Drune units. One or two Badb to keep Feg safe might be the next port of call. 

But not right now. I have more than enough troops painted for the Slaine get-together myself and my gaming buddies have planned for March, where nine(!) warbands will clash on the sacred soil of The Land of the Young. Here's the whole warband:

So, that's two packs of Skull Swords with hand weapon and shield, one pack with repeater crossbows, two Skull Swords champions with hand weapon and shield, and Slough Feg. 

Let's take a look at them in a more natural setting eh? Chilling out at one of Drunemeton's many idyllic sacrificial circles.

So, with the Drune warband in the bag (unless I decide to add yet some more champions) it's onward to the next project!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Sláine 5 - Skull Swords Pack 2

The first three miniatures of 2024 come leaping into action! I've returned to my Drunes for Sláine, having neglected them for over a year. I've got a big Sláine  weekend coming up in a March, so it's time for reinforcements. You kind of need a few packs of skull swords for Sláine to hew through, in fairness.

These lay partially painted on my shelf for almost a year, so it's very nice to get them finished. 

I'm still using mostly Contrast paints over Wraithbone spray for these, as that's how I painted the others. The way I use Contrast has evolved a bit since I started my Sláine project, but I want these to stay consistent, so I'm sticking to the original technique for now.

This new pack of skull swords gives me nine Drunes in the warband, which is 62 points. Enough for a middling size game. I'm planning on another pack with repeater crossbows and then a couple of Babd to keep Feg safe. I'd like to have about 100 points to play with eventually, for a few options.

For Crom Cruach!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Silver Bayonet - Baba Zoya

This dark Winter's eve I bring you Baba Zoya, grandmother to all the lost souls of Morozov's command.

A devoted sister to the great mother, Baba Yaga, Zoya is nonetheless a powerful witch in her own right. The souls of the dead vie to light her way to the Sabbath, such is their love of Baba Zoya, for she makes the crops ripen and the cows give milk, and her wrath can wither the flesh from the bones of the impudent and the unfaithful.

Baba Zoya travels with Morozov and tends to the souls of his retinue. Her soft whispers and potent salves can bring precious relief to the damned, and they would no more offer her disrespect than a man would curse his own family. She is as the bones of the land, and so from the highest vampire to the lowliest walking corpse, they defer to her in all things, and would shield her from harm with the last scrap of their withered flesh.

Baba Zoya is, for now, the final member of my Silver Bayonet squad. She was a bit of a tricky mini to paint, and despite her small size, required me to paint her in three pieces, her arms and cloak being painted separately. She is a Reaper Bones mini, and the detail was soft in places, requiring a little improvisation, but she came out well I think.

There are quite a few doodahs under that cloak. A bird, some manner of banjo(?), what looked like mathematical instruments, and other bits. None of which you can see now, once the cloak was glued in. I spent a great deal of time on her face, which I enjoyed immensely. She's a creepy looking gal. I can't but think of Hellboy when I see any Baba Yaga reference.

So that's that! I'm looking forward to playing some more games with a full squad. I may come back to paint a mounted undead Cossack in time, if the whim strikes me, but for now, Morozov and his creaky crew are ready to take to the haunted fields of 19th century Europe, and at the rate the expansions are coming out, far beyond.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Silver Bayonet - Serzhant Ursov's Bearform

On this most appropriate evening, I present Serzant Ursov's cadaverous were-form, the undead Russian bear. Amazing what niche rabbit holes you end of going down in this hobby.

The stinky giant is from Diehard Miniatures. He's a great sculpt, and has been lounging about morosely on my painting desk for months. He's big enough too, sitting on a 50mm base. I resolved to get him finished for Halloween, and lo, here he is.

Ursov's fur is drybrushing and thinned contrast paints, which is a very pleasant way to paint. Ratling Grime contrast makes for a great recess wash for mid-browns. Lots of red, purple and green washes on the flesh over a Rakharth Flesh basecoat, a Rakharth Flesh highlight, and the soggy bear flesh was done. The old exposed muscle was Khorne Red with purple, dark brown and red washes, highlighted with Khorne Red and a little Corax White. The usual bone recipe, some maggots and claws, and that was about it.

This fellow wraps up my my minimum required minis for my Russian Silver Bayonet squad. Huzzah! I have one more character I want to add for now though, and she'll be along presently.

Wayland Games

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