Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone - Lawman 1

Good evening to you all out there on the internets. 

An upcoming gaming weekend has skewed my focus wildly. I've lain down the rusty musket and taken up the laser-sighted compact automatic. The game, Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone.The faction, Lawmen.

I do love me some Cyberpunk, but I've not done a lot of Cyberpunk gaming, so this was an opportunity to paint up a faction of future cops for the blasting of crims among the neon streets of Night City. This first test model is the K9 Handler, Officer Dekker.

These models are Siocast, which, while this material really holds detail well, it's a bit of an arse to clean up. Forget your files, it's a razor-sharp scalpel or nothing. Not really models for someone starting out in the hobby. Or even veterans of the short-tempered variety.

Once cleaned up and based, I must say, painting was a lot of fun. Despite all the detail, this copper was handy enough to paint up. I wasn't sure at all about a colour-scheme, so I borrowed a little from the card art and changed it up a bit here and there. I do like my weathering, so this guys gear has definitely seen some action. Basing was my typical urban style, some thin cork sheeting and my porridge mix, painted up as decaying concrete.

There are five more models in the starter box, so more cops soon. I've noticed there are several expansions for the Lawmen, so who knows where this will end...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Turnip28 - 5th Deathcap Line Infantry 2

Let's kick off the first post of 2025, with a gaggle of vegetable-infused infantry.

I've completed my first batch of Turnip28 fodder for my wee force. These fellows, the 5th Deathcap line, will be 12 strong when complete. As the biggest regiment in the force, I decided to tackle them first. Getting them done will be a nice mojo booster. 

Fungal Revenant

I used a few Turnip28 sets for these, alongside the fodder set. The brutes and mutations set, along with some other bits and pieces gave me a nice sandbox to build with. Which was ridiculously fun.

The fungal revenant above is the ultimate fate of every Deathcap line trooper. All the Deathcap are riddled with fungal infestation, and upon a soldier's death, the fungus proliferates. Through some bizarre symbiotic quirk, the fungus soon resurrects the corpse of the deceased. This infested shell then continues to fight with the regiment until such time as too many bits fall off. It's unsettling, but keeps the line filled. 

Private Inkcap Dover

As to painting, I was happy with my test model, so I used that scheme. The ribbons on the rifles, after a suggestion from a friend, I painted like soiled toiler paper. Poo-dirty Seals? Shit Ribbons? Diarrhetic pendants? The jury is still out.

Private Cep Hawthorne

Next up I think the regiment's captain might get some paint. He's more heavily converted and covered in dozens of parnsips. Like, dozens. Until then, what's that smell?

The socks crack me up.

Wayland Games

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